Faculty of Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts – Membentuk pribadi yang utuh bersama FLA UPH

UPH Faculty of Liberal Arts conducts its academic vocation in transforming the lives of students holistically based on and in the framework of Reformed Worldview so as to enable them to appropriate the substance and live as the faithful citizen of the life of the Kingdom.

Universitas Pelita Harapan


We want to provide more than knowledge, skills, and job-readiness. We help students to become mature, articulate, reflective, enquiring, worshipful, servant-hearted adults by providing solid foundations in certain key educational areas: theological reflection, critical thinking, linguistic competence, and civic awareness. All of these are aligned to the vision of UPH in providing holistic education that truly transforms students.


UPH Faculty of Liberal Arts conducts its academic vocation in transforming the life of students holistically based on and in the framework of Reformed Worldview so as to enable them to appropriate the substance and live as the faithful citizen of the life of the Kingdom.


In the wholeheartedly faith on the Biblical teaching of createdness of human being in the image and likeness of God endowed with God-given potential in creation, God-preserved potential because of sin, and God-renewed potential because of grace, Faculty of Liberal Arts conducts its academic vocation as a response to the cultural mandate of God, with definite aim:

  • to enable students to comprehend and appropriate the notion of the unity of truth,
  • to create an educational atmosphere in which students can be nurtured morally and spiritually toward Christ-likeness moral and spiritual formation, and
  • to equip and prepare students with analytical, historical and valuing skills

Why Study FLA

  • FLA helps me to see things not only within my perspective, but throughout multiple perspective, to help me understand and tackle the problem clearly & more objectively.

    Yovan Gary Otniel

    Communications 2016

  • FLA has allowed me to think differently about Christianity and it allows me to think deeper about my faith as well.


    Communications 2015

  • FLA is very helpful to equip us for our study program, and to equip us with things we need to know for our future profession.


    Music Therapy 2016

  • I learned a lot of new things, about Jesus, not just on the surface level, but more in depth of what God is trying to tell us through the bible.

    Vanny Gosal,

    Communications 2015

Frequently Asked Questions

At UPH, we seek to provide a world-class holistic education. This means that you need broad academic foundations, as well as the development of skills and behaviours that can be applied across different areas of life and employment. We don't want to only supply you with academic information; we want to change your life.

Liberal arts education does have a strong history in the West, but Asian cultures - including Indonesia - also have an important history of general, broad education in both knowledge and character. Our own curriculum includes distinctively Indonesian components, such as the study of Pancasila, Asian literature, Indonesian aesthetics, and other topics.

Yes. Employers in the 21st Century are very eager to find candidates who have transferable "soft" skills in areas such as communication, intercultural competence, critical thinking, and reflective skills. We cover all of these in our Liberal Arts curriculum.

No. We have different streams in our Liberal Arts curriculum for those who identify officially as Christian/Catholic, and for those who identify officially with other religions. In all of our courses, students are encouraged to reflect on how their studies relate to themselves personally, but we do not presume that all students are personally Christian, and we do not force you to become Christian. We respect your space to make your own decisions about personal belief.

No; there is a carefully curated set of courses, which we have put together in order to provide the best possible educational foundations. All students follow the same pathway, depending on their stream (Christian or non-Christian). However, if non-Christian students wish to pursue the Christian stream, they may.

We are increasingly making the Liberal Arts component applied to the individual study programs. For example, we attempt to help nursing students see how their Liberal Arts studies particularly equip them to be the best possible nurses. Some courses are more directly applicable than others, but all will help to provide a holistic education.


Each of our foundational areas is taught from a Christ-centered perspective. We attempt to teach these foundations in a way that maintains a constant connection both to the lives of the students, and to their educational majors. Our hope is that by providing rigorous Christ-centered foundations in these areas, we will be contributing to the formation of graduates who are not merely proficient, but truly good.

Compulsory Courses

Christian Religion: this course studies the Christian canon within the rubric of salvation history focusing on two particular themes: the kingdom and the covenant. The first half of lecture focuses on the Old Testament (OT) and the second half focuses on the New Testament, and particularly the fulfilment of the OT themes and promises in the person of Jesus Christ.

World Religions: this course will deal with the major religions, namely Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age, and Christianity. The main focus will be on the distinct and essential teachings of each religion. Without taking pluralist assumptions, it will also discuss some of the ways in which one can relate to people of other faiths like dialogue and possible cooperation for common good as citizens in a multi-religious nation.

Christian Worldview 1: the course consists of three divisions: Introduction to Christian Worldview, The Idea of God, and Biblical Anthropology. The Introductory material is about worldview in general term, including its definition, necessity, elements, and structure of its justification, and the distinctiveness of Christian worldview in special term. The essence of Christian Worldview lies on its dogmatic system that particularly bears significance in building and shaping Christian worldview, that is the idea of God.

History of Thought: this course covers three main concepts: the conception of God, mankind, and the world which is essentially derived from God's will and sovereignty alone. Along with the development of human civilization, the thought of the three main things undergoes changes and developments that often vary from one period to another or between one school of thought and other schools of thought. Students will see with another perspective that continually underline that God is the Creator of history, the Owner of history, and the One who lives in history through Jesus Christ.

Christian Worldview 2: This course is a study on Christian worldview on the topics of hamartiology (doctrine of sin), Christology (doctrine of Christ), soteriology (doctrine of salvation), and Pneumatology (doctrine of the holy spirit).

Philosophy of Science: this course equips the students with ontological, epistemological and axiological dimension of science in the light of Christian Worldview. It is included in core knowledge that reflects philosophical presupposition of knowledge about God (the Creator), human self (knowing subject) and the world (nature and society as objects of knowledge).

Christian Worldview 3: This course is the continuation of the study on the redemptive work of the Holy Spirit within the church, up to anticipating things in the end times. In this course students will learn about biblical view on the Holy Spirit in relation to sanctification and glorification, through the church and the fruit of this aspect of His work for the renewal of all aspects of human life and culture. The Biblical teaching of the Last things (eschatology) will consummate the work of the Triune God in reversing the effect of sin and recreating man and all creation into His glorious and eternal Kingdom. This topic will introduce students with Christian interpretation of the nature of history and its meaning which is focused on the Triune God as the Alpha and Omega of history.

Etika: tujuan mata kuliah ini adalah memperkenalkan etika—meta-etika, etika normatif dan etika terapan—agar mahasiswa dapat memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan akan Filsafat Moral dalam menetapkan keputusan moral. Pemahaman akan etika juga disertai dengan tanggapan kritis terhadap beragam teori-teori etika dengan bertolak dari presuposisi dan perspektif Teologi Reformed.

This course gives attention to the soft skills that are needed by university graduates to participate in the community. They cover the skills of understanding oneself and the skill to think critically. These skills are very important nowadays, especially because the tendency shows that understanding oneself and thinking critically are highly needed in facing various life challenges.

This course will focus more on a worldview which is centered in Christ on every topic and discussion. This foundation is expected to help students develop their critical thinking, in order to be able to use it ina wise and competent way in the contemporary working environment. Moreover, students will get the skill to understand personal disposition and other people's disposition critically, to be able to make arguments and detect fallacies in the written or oral forms. After the mid term exam, depending on each choice, students will learn more about Psychology of self recognition or arguments and logic thinking.

The focus of this course is to instil nationalism and love of the homeland to the students, as well as an initial formal political education through the understanding and analysis of the values contained in the four pillars of our nation, namely Pancasila as an ideology; UUD 1945; National values derived from the values of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia; and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Focusing on these four pillars of nationalism, this course is expected to foster the interest of the students (Christians and non-Christians alike) to articulate their role as good and responsible Indonesian citizens towards the community and ultimately to the NKRI.

The focus of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of the importance of Pancasila as the foundation of the state, state ideology, nation character, national unifying tool, the form of civilization of the nation, which has long existed and lived in the habits and traditions of Indonesian society that is very tolerant, tolerant, diverse. In addition, it contains elements of transforming life in accordance with the vision of the FLA in the aspects of attitude, morality, and character formation based on the vision of the UPH is True Knowledge, Faith in Christ, and Godly Character is the ultimate goal of learning this course by using the Christian World Insight Biblically based on Reformed Theology by still appreciating the difference as God's creatures.

This course provides an understanding of making scientific paper. Students will be given lectures on effective sentence, paragraph, and statement so that they have a communication skill expressed in selected study program, profession, and in everyday life. This course is also designed for foreign students who learn in UPH or Indonesian students who cannot speak Bahasa Indonesia fluently, covering basic materials, such as pronouns, imperative words, sentences, etc.

This course gives attention both to reflection on the place of technology in our world and to the development of technological skills.

In terms of reflection on the place of technology in our world, students are enabled to reflect on how technology is given distinctive significance from the perspective of a Christ-centred worldview. The course also equips them to consider how the use of technology relates to features of their own worldview, such as what it means to be human, what it means to exert power wisely, and what it means to manage information ethically.

On this foundation, the course helps students to develop technological skills, with a view to being able to use them wisely and competently in the contemporary workplace. Students are given a general grounding in tools for word processing, data analysis, and collaboration. Depending on the stream, they then focus in more detail on either digital research skills or statistics.

This course equips students with a general understanding of Leadership, so they can put theory into practice with a leadership project. Every student will be part of a group, and will contribute to a leadership project with certain vision and goals, after the lecturer approves the proposal. Examples of leadership projects might include: Developing leadership rules in kindergarten schools; Looking for supply chain issues in a small restaurant; Developing a charity project for orphanages; Developing a website or information portal for a small company, etc. The lecturer guides the process and evaluates the project goals achieved by the students. Every group must give a presentation to the class about the progress of their project midway through the course. At the end of semester, every group will submit their final project. The course will interact with contemporary theories of leadership, and will advocate a model of servant leadership that arises from a Christian worldview. The project-based learning process ensures that students are actively involved in all class activities, and must demonstrate the skills that are being developed.


Richard Anselmus Poeh,
S.S., M.Hum.

Richard Anselmus Poeh, S.S., M.Hum. is the Dean of Liberal Arts. He teaches Soft Skills, History of Thought, Ethics, and Leadership & Entrepreneurship courses. Bidang minat risetnya meliputi sastra dan filsafat. His research interests include literature and philosophy. He earned a Bachelor of Literature from Universitas Sanata Dharma and a Master of Humanities from Universitas Sanata Dharma.

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Adriani Gunawan, M.M.

Adriani Gunawan, M.M. is the Director of Liberal Arts. She teaches Leadership & Entrepreneurship courses. Her areas of interest are in Leadership & Entrepreneurship. She earned her Diploma of Tourism from Williams Business College and Master of Management from Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana.

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Drs. Gandadinata Thamrin,
M.M., M.A., D.Min.

Department Chair
Drs. Gandadinata Thamrin, M.M., M.A., D.Min. is the Department Chair of the Liberal Arts. He teaches Leadership & Entrepreneurship; Fundamentals of management; Human Resource Management; Introduction to Business courses. His areas of research interest include management, counseling, and short drama. He holds a Bachelor of Economics in Management from Atmajaya University Yogyakarta, a Master of Management from the Nusantara Business Institute, a Master of Arts from Amanat Agung Theological College, a Master of Arts from Jaffray Theological College Jakarta, and Doctor of Ministry from Cipanas Theological College. He also has a counselor certification from the Creative Family Counseling Institute (LK3).

Kusman Sudarja,
S.Sos., M.Pd.

Deputy Department
Kusman Sudarja, S.Sos., M.Pd. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches Indonesian Language, Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers, and Soft Skills courses. His areas of interest include teaching Indonesian, practicing critical thinking, and guiding scientific research. He has a Bachelor's degree in Communication and a Master's degree in Language Education.

Journal Publication:
  • Alih Kode dan Campur kode dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas III SD Sekolah Lentera Internasional
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Adventina Situngkir,

Adventina Situngkir, M.Pd. is a lecturer of Liberal Arts. She teaches Pancasila, Citizenship, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Tech. Skills. courses. Her areas of interest are in Educational Technologies. She earned her Bachelor of Education and Master of Education from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Journal Publications:
  • Pengaruh Mentoring terhadap Penyesuaian Diri dan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Fakultas X pada salah satu Universitas Swasta di Tangerang
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Alexander Aur,
S.S., M.Hum.

Alexander Aur, S.S., M. Hum. is a Liberal Arts Lecturer. He teaches coursesPhilosophy of Science; History of Thought; Ethics. His areas of research interest include Environmental Philosophy, Politics and Culture, and Literature. He holds a Masters in Humanities from the Driyarkara College of Philosophy.

Journal Publication:
  • Etika Partisipasi sebagai Basis Etis-politis Tindakan Politis Warga Negara
    Respons: Jurnal Etika Sosial 24 (02)
  • Dialog Negara Hukum Demokratis dan Agama: Memotret Deliberasi Politik Berbasis Agama di Indonesia dengan Perspektif Filsafat Politik Jürgen Habermas
    Jurnal Ultima Humaniora, Maret 2014, hal 79-97
    Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Missio, Vol. 7 No. 2 (2015)
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Dr. Aripin Tambunan,
M.A., M.Th.

Dr. Aripin Tambunan, M.A., M.Th. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches Christian Religious Education, and Christian Worldview. His areas of interest include theology, and values and character education. He obtained a Master of Art degree from STT Harvest in Karawaci, a Master of Theology degree from the Bandung Theological College, and a Doctorate of General Education and Character degree from the Indonesian Education University (UPI).

Journal Publication:
  • Etika Kristen Melampaui Etika Alamia, Jurnal Stulos, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Bandung
  • Perubahan Sosial: Masa Depan Gereja, Jurnal Transformasi, STT Inti
  • Spiritualitas tanpa Tuhan Mungkinkah? Jurnal Transformasi, STT Inti
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Arthur Chandra,
M.A., M.Th.

Arthur Chandra, M.A., M.Th. is a lecturer of Liberal Arts. He teaches Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Christian Worldview 1, Christian Worldview 2, and Christian Religious Education courses. His areas of interest are in Leadership, Christian Religion Education, and Entrepreneurship. He earned his Bachelor of Economics from the Universitas Surabaya, Master of Arts in Christian Leadership from STT Inti Bandung, and Masters of Theology from STT SAAT.

Dra. Christina Purwanti,

Dra. Christina Purwanti, M.Pd. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. She teaches Indonesian Language, Indonesian Language, Basic Indonesian, and Soft Skills courses. Her areas of interest include language education, and applied linguistics. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Indonesian Language and Literature Education from Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta, and a Master's degree in Education from the Indonesian Christian University.

Journal Publication:
  • Eksistensi Bahasa dalam Komunikasi Interpersonal : Sebuah Pendekatan Interdisipliner (Language Existence in Interpersonal Communication: an Interdisiplinary Approach)
  • Code Switching in BIPA Classes: Teachers and Students’ Attitudes
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Debora Pratiwi Sibarani,

Debora Pratiwi Sibarani, M.Pd. is a lecturer of Liberal Arts. She teaches Civics, Pancasila, and Tech. Skills courses. Her areas of interest are in Education, Curriculum Development, and Service Learning. She earned her Bachelor of Education from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Education from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Journal Publications:
  • Needs of Competencies in Financial Literacy for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities
  • Roles of Christian Teachers: The Use of Literature to Guide Students in Confronting Issues in Digital Technology Era
  • Needs Analysis of Technical Training for Civil Servant in National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN)
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Deni Citra Damai Telaumbanua,
S.Th., M.Th.

Deni Citra Damai Telaumbanua, S.Th., M.Th. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches the courses Christian Religious Education, and Christian Worldview. His areas of interest include biblical theology, systematic theology, and social issues and Christian theology. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Theology from the Indonesian Bible Institute, and a Master's degree in Theology from the Indonesian Reformed Theological College.

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Dra. Devy Stany Walukow,
M.Hum., M.Si.

Dra. Devy Stany Walukow, M.Hum., M.Si. is a lecturer of Liberal Arts. She teaches Civics, Pancasila, and Social Pathology courses. Her area of interest is in Educational Sociology. She earned her Bachelor of History Education from Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Manado, Bachelor of Economics from Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Putra Perdana Indonesia, Masters in History from the Universitas Indonesia, and Masters in Sociology from Universitas Indonesia. Aside from teaching at university, She is also an Intermediate Anticorruption Instructor since 2021.

  • Writing at Penerbit Yayasan Kita Menulis regularly
  • Study of Learning in the field of IPS and online since 2022 until now
Journal Publications:
  • Analysis of The Effect of a Humanistic Approach In Online Learning On Student Independence Learning And Student Satisfaction
    April 2023, Volume 11, Issue 2, 50 -70
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Enggar Pribadi,
S.S., M.Fil.

Enggar Pribadi, S.S., M.Fil. is a lecturer of Liberal Arts. He teaches History of Thought and Tech. Skills courses. His areas of interest are in Philosophy and Social Sciences. He earned his Bachelor of Letters from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan and Master of Philosophy from Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara.

Ferdinandus Butarbutar,

Ferdinandus Butarbutar, M.Th. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches the courses Christian Religious Education, Education on World Religions, and Christian Worldview. His areas of interest include theological education, observers of religions, and observers of society and public spaces. He received a Master's degree in Theology from the Bandung Theological College.

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Dr. Fitzerald Kennedy Sitorus

Dr. Fitzerald Kennedy Sitorus is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches courses in History of Thought, Philosophy of Science, Ethics, and Applied Logic. His areas of interest include reading, writing, and discussion. He obtained a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from the Driyarkara College of Philosophy, and a Doctorate der Philosophie degree from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main in Germany.

Journal Publication:
  • "Das transzendentale Selbstbewusstsein bei Kant. Zu Kants Begriff des Selbstbewusstseins im Lichte der Kritik der Heidelberger Schule"
    Verlag Dr. Kovack, Hamburg, 2008
  • "Allah dan Trinitas. Sebuah Pendasaran Dialektis-Filosofis Hegelian" (Jurnal Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Surya Nusantara 2019), hal. 1-40)
  • "Theonomous, Autonomous, and Heteronomous Conscience. Conscience in Luther and Kant, and Indonesian Moral Perception," a book chapter in Sola Scriptura in Asia
    PICKWICK Publication, Oregon, USA, 2018, p. 89-107

Prof. Dr. Fransisco Budi Hardiman, S.S., M.A.

Prof. Dr. Francisco Budi Hardiman, S.S., M.A. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches courses in History of Thought, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science. His areas of interest include philosophy and social sciences. He obtained his master's and doctoral degrees from the Hochschule fur Philosophie in Munich, Germany.

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Dr. Hananto

Dr. Hananto is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teachesTech courses. Skills. His areas of interest include educational technology, and educational research. He earned a Bachelor of Education degree from Satya Wacana Christian University in Salatiga, a Master of Arts in TESOL degree from the University of Canberra in Australia, and a Doctorate degree in Applied Linguistics from Unika Atma Jaya.

Journal Publication:
  • Government-funded Computer-based Vocabulary Project in Indonesia Jurnal internasional Asia Pasific Collaborative education Journal (APCJ) Vol. 9, No. 1, 2013, pp. 15-25

Hanna Suteja,
S.Pd., M. Hum.

Hanna Suteja, S.Pd., M. Hum. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. She teaches General English, iBT TOEFLPreparation, Professional English, BIPA, Tech. Skills, and Leadership. Her areas of interest include TOEFL, translation, and BIPA. She earned a Bachelor of Education degree in English Education from UKSW in Salatiga, and a Master of Humanities degree in English Applied Linguistics from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta.

Journal Publication:
  • The Students' Attitude Towards Peer Reviews in a Translation Class, Polyglot vol 6 No 1, Juli 2012.
  • Code Switching in BIPA Classes: Teachers and Students' Attitudes , Polyglot vol 13 no 1, 2017
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Hendra Yohanes,
S.Si., M.Th.

Hendra Yohanes, S.Si., M.Th. is a lecturer of Liberal Arts. He teaches Christian Worldview, Education of World Religions, and Christian Religious Education courses. His areas of interest are in Christian Religion Education, World Religions Education, and Character Education. He earned his Bachelor of Science from Universitas Riau and Master of Theology from Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT.

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Heri Yulianto,
S.Th., M.Min.

Heri Yulianto, S.Th., M.Min. is a Liberal Arts Lecturer. He teaches courses inChristian Religion; Christian Worldview 1; Christian Worldview 2; Christian Worldview 3. His areas of research interest include biblical and theological studies, integration of faith and science, Christian spirituality and discipleship. He earned a Bachelor of Theology degree from Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara and a Master of Ministry degree from Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Amanat Agung.

Jhon Nara Purba,

Jhon Nara Purba, M.Th. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches Christian Religious Education, and Christian Worldview. His areas of interest include Biblical ethics, New Testament ethics, New Testament theology, and Pauline theology and the Holy Spirit. He obtained a Bachelor's degree in Theology from STT I-3, and a Master's degree in Theology from STT Amanat Agung.

Jonter Pandapotan Sitorus,
S.Pd., M.Pd.

Jonter Pandapotan Sitorus, S.Pd., M.Pd. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. He teaches Indonesian Language, Basic Indonesian Language, and Soft Skills courses. His areas of interest include linguistics and sociolinguistics. He has a Master's degree in Indonesian Language and Literature Education.

Journal Publication:
  • Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa dalam penulisan dan pengembangan paragraf pada mahasiswa fakultas Pendidikan Angkatan 2019 UPH
    Okt 2020
  • Dampak Natur Manusia Berdosa Melalui Munculnya Keterbuaian Pada Aspek Penggunaan Bahasa
  • The Use Of Verbal Repertoire In The Human Status As The Imago Dei And God’s Kingdom Community
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Juliana Tirza Mangilaleng,

Juliana Tirza Mangilaleng, M.Pd. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. She teaches the courses Pedagogy 1, Citizenship Education, Pancasila Education, and Learning Techniques. Her areas of interest include educational technology, social studies education, and pedagogy. She earned her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Education from Pelita Harapan University.

Journal Publication:
  • Constructivism and Teaching-Learning Process in Christian School: Case Study in a Christian School in Tangerang, Indonesia
    International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2019
  • Development of Service-Learning Integrated in Civics Education for a Better Earth—A Contribution of Social Study
    Atlantis Press, 2020
    jurnal pendidikan MAKMAL, 2019
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Junry Jan Alow,
S.Th., M.Div., M.Th.

Junry Jan Alow, S.Th., M.Div., M.Th. is a Liberal Arts Lecturer. He teaches courses inEducation of World Religions; Christian education; and Leadership & Entrepreneurship. His areas of research interest include Christian religious education, world religions education, leadership, and character education. He holds a Bachelor of Theology from Abdiel Theological Seminary, a Master of Divinity, and a Master of Theology from Harvest International Theological Seminary.

C. Kiky Puspita Anggraeni,
S.Pd., M. Hum.

C. Kiky Puspita Anggraeni, S.Pd., M. Hum. is a Lecturer in the Liberal Arts Study Program. She teaches courses Indonesian, Tech. Skills, and Soft Skills. Her areas of interest include Indonesian language and literature, feminism, feminist literary criticism, and children's literature. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Education from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and a Master's degree in Literature from Universitas Indonesia.

Dr. Laba Sinuor Yosephus,
S.S., M.Hum.

Dr. Laba Sinuor Yosephus, S.S., M.Hum. is a Liberal Arts Lecturer. He teaches coursesPhilosophy of Science; Ethics; History of Thought; Applied Logic; Pancasila. He earned a Bachelor of Philosophy, Master of Philosophy, and Doctor of Philosophy from the Driyarkara College of Philosophy.

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Drs. Roedy Silitonga,
M.A., M.Th.

Drs. Roedy Silitonga, M.A., M.Th. is a Liberal Arts Lecturer. He teaches courses inChristian Religious Education (Bibliology, Old Testament and New Testament); Christian World Insight 1 (Christian World Insight, God's Doctrine and Human Doctrine); Christian World Insight 2 (Hamartology, Christology and Soteriology); Christian World Insight 3 (Pneumatology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology). His areas of research interest include culture, evangelism and theology, and apologetics. He earned a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology from the University of North Sumatra, a Master's Degree in Evangelism from the Reformed Institute, and a Master's Degree in Theology from the International Evangelical Reformed Theological College. Apart from teaching at universities, he is also an evangelist.

Journal Publication:
    Jurnal Teologi STULOS Vol. 16/1 (Januari 2018)
    Jurnal Manna Rafflesia Vol.6 No. 2 April 2020 
    Jurnal Theologi Gorum STFT Vol.8 No.2 Juli 2020
    Jurnal LUXNOS Vol.6 No. 2 Desember 2020
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Selvieana Indrawati,
S.Th., M.Pd.

Selvieana Indrawati, S.Th., M.Pd. is a Liberal Arts Lecturer. She teaches the coursesChristian Worldview 1; Christian World Insight 2; Christian World Insight 3. Her areas of research interest include systematic theology, integration of theology with psychology, and youth-adolescent counseling. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Theology from SAAT Malang Theological College, a Master's in Education from Pelita Harapan University, and a Master's in Theology from STT Baptist Jakarta.

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Tikno Iensufiie,
M.Pd., M.Th.

Tikno Iensufiie, M.Pd., M.Th. is a lecturer of Liberal Arts. He teaches Christian Religious Education, Human Resource Management, and Leadership & Entrepreneurship courses. His areas of interest are in Christian Religion Education and Leadership. He earned his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, Master of Education from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and Master of Arts from STT Reformed Indonesia.

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