Cornerstone Psychological Center

Cornerstone Psychological Center menawarkan konseling dan psikotes, baik secara langsung maupun daring, dengan konselor dan psikolog berpengalaman.

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Cornerstone Psychological Center offers counseling and psychological tests, both in person and online, with experienced counselors and psychologists.

Contact us via WhatsApp or Email.

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Cornerstone Psychological Center.

Cornerstone Psychological Center provides psychological examination, counseling, and other psychological practices to understand oneself more deeply, find solutions to various problems/challenges faced and assistance from psychologists to develop oneself to be healthier mentally and spiritually. Cornerstone Psychological Center has also served more than 1,000 clients through psychological tests and counseling


To become a center for psychological service that:

  • gives a positive impact on creating a competent, holistic, and transformational society for the glory of God.
  • can be a compassionate agent of change which serves and transforms society.


Providing psychological service to the community to improve the quality of human life as a living testimony to the glory of God:

  • Providing counseling services to people who need counseling assistance, both individually and as a family.
  • Providing assessment service to the community who need psychological assessments in the fields of clinical, educational, industrial and organizational psychology.


The counseling process can help to understand the problems experienced, see the problems more clearly, overcome the problems, and live a better life. The counselors are psychologists with an active Psychologist Practice License (SIPP) and certification.

Child Counseling.

Child Counseling focuses on helping to understand and overcome psychological problems of the children.

Teen Counseling.

Teen Counseling focuses on helping to understand and overcome psychological problems in adolescents.

Adult Counseling.

Adult Counseling focuses on helping to understand and overcome psychological problems in adult individuals.

Marriage Counseling.

Marriage Counseling focuses on understanding and overcoming psychological problems that arise in marriage.

Parenting Counseling.

Parenting Counseling focuses on understanding and overcoming psychological problems in parents during child rearing.

Counseling for Children with Special Needs.

Counseling for Children with Special Needs focuses on helping to understand and overcome psychological problems in children with special needs.

Educational Counseling.

Educational Counseling focuses on helping to understand and maximize the teaching and learning process, as well as understanding and overcoming problems related to academics/education.

Career Counseling.

Career Counseling focuses on helping to find the right career choice, according to the individual's interests and capacities/abilities.

Online Psychological Test.

Psychological tests aim to obtain a psychological picture of a person. Online psychological tests can be done anywhere with adequate internet connection. Online psychological tests currently available include Intelligence Test, Interest Test, Personality Test, and Work Attitude Test.

*Special Psychological Packages are also available according to the needs of companies/schools/foundations

Intelligence Test.

Psychometric/Psychological test used to discover the potential of an individual's intelligence so that it can also obtain an overview of superior aspects or aspects that can still be developed related to cognitive/thinking abilities.

Aptitude Test.

Psychological tests used to discover the areas of interest of an individual in order to determine the right direction of study or career.

Work Attitude Test.

Psychological test/psychological test used to discover the potential for work energy (especially when under pressure), drive to achieve, caution, emotional control, and ambition to direct oneself and manage abilities.

Personality Test.

Psychometric test/psychological test used to understand personality characteristics. The description of personality aspects that can be seen include achievement, initiative, persistence, orderliness, leadership, friendliness, intellect, emotional stability, openness to experience, self-confidence, curiosity, flexibility, and optimism.

Our Counselors.

Our counselors are certified psychologist practitioners with educational background in Psychology/Counselors who are experienced in their fields. Our counselors also ensure to keep up to date with the latest development and advancement in psychology.

Yonathan Aditya,
Ph. D.

Yonathan Aditya, Ph.D. berpengalaman sebagai Konselor di area close relationship.

Karel Karsten Himawan,
Ph. D., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis Dewasa
Karel Karsten Himawan, Ph.D., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis Dewasa yang berpengalaman di area romantic relationship, family and marriage, youth/life adjustment, dan depression.

Wiwit Puspitasari Dewi,
M. Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis Dewasa
Wiwit Puspitasari Dewi, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis Dewasa yang berpengalaman di area klinis dewasa (pengelolaan marah, stress, kecemasan, dan depresi).

Dicky Sugianto,
M. Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis Dewasa
Dicky Sugianto, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis Dewasa yang berpengalaman di area shame, masalah penyesuaian diri, masalah emosional, pengembangan welas asih dan welas diri.

Jessica Amelia Anna,
M. Psi, Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis Dewasa
Jessica Amelia Anna, M.Psi, Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis Dewasa yang berpengalaman di area gangguan psikologis secara umum (kecemasan, kesepian, afek depresi), dan dating relationship.

Grace Indrawati,
M. Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis Dewasa
Grace Indrawati, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis Dewasa yang berpengalaman di area clinical adult (depression, anxiety, and romantic relationship).

Dr. Sri Lanawati,
S. Psi., M. Si.

Konselor Lanjut Usia (Lansia)
Dr. Sri Lanawati, S.Psi., M.Si. merupakan Konselor Lanjut Usia (Lansia) yang berpengalaman di area psikotes anak berbakat.

Allessandra Theresia,
M. Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis Anak
Allessandra Theresia, M.Psi. Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis Anak yang berpengalaman di area anak, karyawan, dewasa awal, tengah dan akhir.

Fransisca Febriana Sidjaja,
M.Psi, Ph.D., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis Anak
Fransisca Febriana Sidjaja, M.Psi, Ph.D., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis Anak yang berpengalaman di area Autism Spectrum Disorder, Giftedness, Parenting Autistic Children and Other Related Conditions.

Sandra Handayani Sutanto,
M. Psi., Psi.

Psikolog Klinis Anak
Sandra Handayani Sutanto, M.Psi., Psi. merupakan Psikolog Klinis Anak yang berpengalaman di area klinis anak (normal-bermasalah) untuk anak dan remaja.

Yuliana Anggreany,
M. Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Anak
Yuliana Anggreany, M. Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Anak yang berpengalaman di area anak, termasuk anak berkebutuhan khusus.

M. Psi., Psi.

Psikolog Anak dan Remaja
Helsa, M.Psi., Psi. merupakan Psikolog Anak dan Remaja yang berpengalaman di area pendidikan, anak, remaja, dan dewasa awal.

Krishervina Rani Lidiawati,
M. Psi., Psikolog

Krishervina Rani Lidiawati, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog yang berpengalaman di area pendidikan, anak, dan remaja.

Dr. Yusak Novanto,
S. Psi, M. Psi, Psikolog

Dr. Yusak Novanto is a lecturer in the Psychology Study Program at UPH Lippo Village Tangerang. Currently, he teaches courses in General Psychology, Social Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Consumer Behaviour, Organizational Behaviour, Training and Development, Cognitive Psychology, and capita selecta in Industrial Organizational Psychology courses. His areas of interest include industrial and organizational psychology, human resource management, positive psychology, social psychology, psychology of religion, and the integration of psychology and theology.

He earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Indonesia, a Masters in Psychologist Profession (Major PIO, Minor Clinical) from the University of Indonesia, and also a Master of Science (concentration in Educational Psychology) from the University of 17 August 1945, Surabaya. In addition, he has also completed a Doctoral study program in the Field of Industrial Organizational Psychology from Airlangga University, Surabaya. Until now, he is registered and has a license as an Industrial Organizational Psychologist at HIMPSI (Indonesian PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION) Banten Region. He also has organizational experience as member board of HIMPSI JATIM on 2015-2019.

He also has several experiences to become a trainer, training facilitator, motivator, talk show speaker, and speaker at various psychology seminars held on radio, Christian schools, and churches. He is also involved in the board of APK (Christian Psychological Association) HIMPSI as Chair for the 2022-2026 period. He is also active as a member of AP2I (Indonesian Positive Psychology Association) and APIO (Organizational Industrial Psychology Association). In addition, he also has professional experience as a reviewer for several scientific journals, marketing, and admission manager, HRD Coordinator, and also chairman for an educational foundation board at a school in Surabaya.

  • 2015 BPPDN Scholarship
  • Award for 10 Years of Work at UPH
Journal Publications:
  • Novanto, Y., Pali, M. (2019). Teacher's Life Satisfaction In Palopo And Toraja:An Analysis Study Based On Demographic Factors. Jurnal Sains Psikologi, 8(2), 207-217.
  • Natanael, Y., & Novanto, Y. (2020). Pengujian Model Pengukuran Congeneric, Tau-Equivalent dan Parallel pada Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 7(2), 285-298.
  • Novanto, Y., Handoyo, S., & Setiawan, J. L. (2021). Predicting the life satisfaction of Indonesian Christian employees: Examining the role of religiosity, perceived organizational support, and meaningful work. Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat: Indonesian Journal of Indigenous Psychology, 9(1), 116-141.
  • Novanto, Y., Handoyo, S., & Setiawan, J. L. (2022). The role of religiosity, self-efficacy, social support, and perceived organizational support on the life satisfaction of Christian theological seminary lecturers in East Java: The meaning of work as a mediator. Journal of Educational, Health, and Community Psychology, 11(1), 227-265.
see other publications (click here)

Daniarti Dhyan Christanti,
M. Th., Konseling

Daniarti Dhyan Christanti, M.Th., Konseling merupakan Konselor yang berpengalaman di area konseling remaja dan pemuda.

Jessica Ariela,
S. Psi., M.A.

Jessica Ariela, S.Psi., M.A. merupakan Konselor yang berpengalaman di area close relationships, trauma, existential issues, dan career.

S. Psi., M. A.

Princen, S. Psi., M. A. merupakan konselor yang berpengalaman di area depresi, kecemasan, anger management, dan pemuda.

Eunike Mutiara,
M.Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis
Eunike Mutiara, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis yang berpengalaman di area psikologi klinis (depresi, kecemasan, dll); penyesuaian hidup pada dewasa muda; masalah perkawinan dan keluarga; mengasuh anak.

Ayutias Anggraini,
M. Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis
Ayutias Anggraini, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis yang berpengalaman di area trauma, depresi, kecemasan, regulasi emosi, dan kepribadian.

Samuel Adiprasetya Isaputra,
M.Psi., Psikolog

Samuel Adiprasetya Isaputra, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog yang berpengalaman di area manajemen sumber daya manusia, assessment center, dan training and development.

Clara Gia Shinta Ayu Krislawati,
S.Pd., M.A., Psy.

Konselor Psikoterapis
Clara Gia Shinta Ayu Krislawati, S.Pd., M.A., Psy. merupakan Konselor yang berpengalaman di area marriage and family therapy, children and teens counseling, grieving counseling, psychotherapy.

Betsy Kurniawati Witarsa,
M.Psi., Psikolog

Psikolog Klinis
Betsy Kurniawati Witarsa, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis yang berpengalaman di area stres, depresi, kecemasan, grieving (regulasi emosi), pengenalan dan pengembangan diri, relasi (keluarga, pasangan).

Caroline Mathilda,
S.Psi., M.Si.

Caroline Mathilda, S.Psi., M.Si. merupakan konselor yang berpengalaman di area Pendidikan Anak dan Remaja, Kesulitan Belajar, Regulasi Diri dalam Belajar, Relasi Anak-Orangtua, Pola Asuh, dan Konflik Relasi Interpersonal Remaja dan Dewasa (dalam setting sekolah dan pekerjaan).

Christina Claudia,
B.A., M.A.

Christina Claudia, B.A., M.A. merupakan konselor yang berpengalaman di area Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy (EFT), pre-marital counseling (Prepare/Enrich), dan family therapy.

Counseling and Psychological Test Ordering Flow.

  1. Contact us via WhatsApp (click here) or E-mail (click here)
  2. Fill in the Registration Form
  3. You will receive a confirmation and meeting link
  4. The meeting will be held onsite/online
Psychological Test
  1. Contact us via WhatsApp (click here) or E-mail (click here)
  2. Fill in the Registration Form
  3. You will receive a psych test schedule
  4. The psych test will be conducted onsite/online
  5. The psych test results will be sent to you
  6. You can consult with our psychologist about your psych test result


Supporting Equipment Specifications

Participant uses laptop or PC that has the following equipment:

  • There is an active WebCam
  • Fully charged battery
  • Laptop charger available
  • There is a mouse

Minimum recommended operating system:

  • Windows 7
  • Mac OS X 10.6
  • Ubuntu 14.04

Laptop Specifications:

  • Minimum 4GB RAM
  • A minimum laptop with a 2.4GHz processor


Online Psychometric Test Processing Time

  • Intelligence Test: 122 minutes
  • Interest Test: 40 minutes
  • Personality Test: 45 minutes
  • Work Attitude Test: 27 minutes
  • Learning Style Test: 55 minutes