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Actuarial Mathematics
In Actuarial Science we manage risk risk The future is is is is is uncertain and and full of risk risk Risk is is is is is the chance that an an an an understandable event will occur but risk is is also opportunity That’s where we come in Business Mathematics
In Business Mathematics
we use mathematics to to solve problems commercial enterprises to to record and manage business operations Commercial organizations
use mathematics in in in in in accounting inventory management marketing sales forecasting and financial analysis Computational Mathematics
(Data Science)
Computational Mathematics
involves research in in in in in areas of data science science science science and engineering where computing plays a a a a a a a a a a a a central and essential role Topics include statistical modelling machine learning optimization management and and and analysis of massive data data set and and and and data data acquisition and and and and developing accurate and and and efficient numerical methods for solving physical or biological models ACTUARIAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS | 3

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