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Hery Susanto Djie
Engineering Director, Lumentum Holding Inc., San Jose, Silicon Valley, California, USA. Recipient of Nanyang Tech. Univ. Outstanding Young Alumnus Award, 200+ journal/Conference Publications,
5 US Patents
Electrical Engineering, 1995
“UPH is a huge factor that provides me a strong foundation to the next level of my journey as doctoral candidate and my professional path. There is no substitute for four years of education, training, and experiences in the department that moulded me and proved the prime factor on what I have accomplished so far. I will be forever grateful for what the department and the university have contributed to what I am today!“
      Wandi Susanto
Recipient of Master Scholarship of DFG in Saarland Univ., Germany, Biomedical Imaging Software Developer in Definiens, Germany
Electrical Engineering, 2004
“As a student with much curiosity, I was fortunate to meet and study under the guidance of my professors and lecturers at UPH Electrical Engineering Department. They were determined to inspire me and my classmates to excel in our disciplines, understanding discoveries of Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, James Maxwell, Nicola Tesla, and Claude Shannon which shape our modern world today.”
Gerry Chandra
Data Scientist, OVO Data Analytics, OVO
(PT Visionet Internasional)
Electrical Engineering, 2016
“UPH Dept. of Electrical Engineering acts as one of the important stepping stones in my career journey. All of the professors and lecturers are so aware of latest update in the current industry and market. It allows me to research more on the current trend of technologies and skills which most industries need. I’m so thankful to be part of UPH Dept. of Electrical Engineering, all of the experiences offered in 3-4 years shape me into the person I am today and the person I want to become in the future.”

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