Food Technology

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan – Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UPH

Jurusan Teknologi Pangan kami menyediakan fondasi yang kuat dalam sains dasar dan sains pangan bagi mahasiswa. Dengan berorientasi kepada industri, kami terus mendorong mahasiswa kami untuk menerapkan teori ke dalam berbagai situasi kehidupan yang nyata, sehingga saat lulus mereka sepenuhnya siap untuk memulai bisnis sendiri atau bekerja di perusahaan-perusahaan pangan terkemuka di dunia. Program Studi / jurusan Teknologi Pangan kami memiliki mandat dan tanggung jawab untuk menerapkan dan mengembangkan ilmu dan teknologi pangan yakni analisis dan kimia pangan, mikrobiologi dan keamanan pangan, pengolahan dan rekayasa pangan, biokimia pangan dan nutrisi, dan ilmu pangan terapan serta kecakapan hidup.


  • Terampil dalam melakukan berbagai teknik analisis pangan & mampu memastikan terjaminnya mutu pangan dengan jujur dan berintegritas.
  • Mampu mengkarakterisasi bahan baku & menganalisis pengaruh pengolahan terhadap produk pangan, menyusun langkah prosedur pengolahan pangan, mengidentifikasi pengaruh pengolahan dan rekayasa pangan terhadap perubahan mutu pangan.
  • Mampu merekomendasikan hasil penelitian & pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi (IPTEK) pangan, mengadvokasi keunggulan dan bahaya pangan,
  • Menerapkan sistem manajemen keamanan pangan.
  • Mampu mengembangkan dan melaksanakan skema bisnis di sektor pangan dengan etika yang tepat dan pemasaran produk yang dihasilkan.

Food Technology.

Our food technology program provides students with a strong foundation in basic science and food science. By being industry-oriented, we are constantly pushing our students to apply theory to real-life situations, so that, when they graduate, they are fully ready for starting up their own businesses or working in leading food companies around the globe. There are two concentrations in this program:

Food Processing and Innovation
Food Business and Enterpreneurship

We also offer regular and International streamline (with opportunity to pursue Dual Degree Program at University of Newcastle, Australia).

More detailed info, click here.

faculty information

Graduate Profile.

A graduate equipped to become:

  • Skilled in performing various food analysis techniques and capable of ensuring food quality with honesty and integrity
  • Capable of characterizing raw materials and analyzing effect of processing on food products, setting up steps in food processing procedures, identifying effect of food processing and engineering on food quality changes
  • Capable of recommending results of research and development (R & D) of Food science and technology, advocating food excellence and hazard, implementing a food safety management system
  • Capable of developing and carrying out business schemes in the food sector with the right ethics and marketing of the products produced

What Will I Study.

You will learn about food science and technology, i.e.:

  • raw material and food handling and characteristics
  • processing, preserving, and packaging of food
  • value-added and effect of processing on food constituents and ingredients
  • microbiological, nutritional, and functional qualities of food
  • food sector entrepreneurship & leadership

*For course details, you can see the curriculum of our study program

What Will I Become.

Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Food Technology graduates :

  • Food and Beverage Industries
  • Food Ingredient Manufactures
  • Food Packaging Manufactures
  • Food supply chain industries
  • Retail Food Distribution and Catering (Food Service)
  • Government Institutions: food affairs. food legislation, etc.
  • Education and Research Institutions
  • Public Analysts’ Laboratories
  • Consultancy (SSOP, GMP, HACCP, etc.)
  • Food Entrepreneurship
  • Food Business Development

It All Begins Here.

  • Melalui kegiatan seperti Service Learning di UPH, mahasiswa juga diajarkan untuk bisa berinteraksi dan membangun relasi yang baik dengan orang lain.

    Albert Hendriko

    Food Technology 2008 - Pendiri PT Trimadulimas Indonesia

  • Don't take it too seriously, maksudnya selama berkuliah banyak-banyaklah bergaul dan perluas networking. Tetapi juga don't take it for granted.

    Jacqueline Karina

    Food Technology 2006 - Business Manager at PT Firmenich Indonesia

  • Food technology UPH membuat saya memahami prinsip dan teknologi dalam industri pangan, yang bermanfaat dan dapat diaplikasikan dalam pekerjaan saya.

    Yunita Kristanti

    Food Technology 1996 - Quality, Research and Development Senior Manager at PT. Griya Miesejati

Study Plan.

1st Semester
Courses Credits
General Chemistry 1 3
General Biology 3
General Physics 4
Calculus 3
Food Commodity Science 2
Technological Skills 2
Pancasila 2
2nd Semester
Courses Credits
General Chemistry 2 3
Organic Chemistry 3
Microbiology 3
Introduction to Food Technology 3
Christian Religion/World Religions 4
Soft Skills 2
Leadership & Entrepreneurship 2
3rd Semester
Courses Credits
Computer Application 2
Written Communication 2
Civics 2
Bahasa Indonesia 2
4th Semester
Courses Credits
Biochemistry 4
Food Microbiology 3
Unit Operation 3
Statistics 3
Oral Communication 2
Christian Worldview 1/Philosophy of Science 4
5th Semester
Courses Credits
Food Chemistry 4
Food Processing Technology 4
Food Processing Microbiology 2
Food Processing Technology Lab 2
Human Nutrition 4
Christian Worldview 2/Ethics 4
6th Semester
Courses Credits
Food and Machinery Equipment 2
Experimental Design and Data Analysis 2
Christian Worldview 3/History of Thought 4
7th Semester
Courses Credits
Food Analysis 4
Sensory Evaluation of Food 3
Principles of Food Engineering 3
Food Safety and Sanitation 3
Food Sector Entrepreneurship 2
Food Legislation 2
Elective Course 2
8th Semester
Courses Credits
Food Packaging and Storage Technology 4
Food Quality Assurance 3
Research Methods 3
Elective Course 3
Elective Course 2
Elective Course 2
9th Semester
Courses Credits
Seminar 2
Internship 2
Elective Course 2
10th Semester
Courses Credits
Thesis 6
Elective Courses
Courses Credits
Food Additives 2
Nutritional Status Assessment 2
Nutrient Interaction 3
Nutrition for Specific Groups 2
Dietetics 3
Flavor Technology 3
Milk Processing Technology 2
Food Biotechnology 2
Fruit and Vegetables Processing Technology 2
Aquatic Food Product Processing Technology 3
Functional Food 3
Fermented Beverage Technology 2
Study Fee
Total Study Fee Rp219.450.000

*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum

download study fee

Our Facilities.


Dr. Nuri Arum Anugrahati

Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology
Dr. Nuri Arum Anugrahati is a lecturer of Food Technology Study Program and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology. She teaches Food Material Knowledge; Introduction to Food Technology; Biochemistry; Food Processing Technology; Scientific Method; Milk Processing Technology courses. Her research interests include resistant starch and carbohydrate-based traditional food products. She earned her bachelor's degree in Biology from Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, master's degree in Food Science and Technology, and a doctoral degree in Food Science from Universitas Gadjah Mada. Apart from teaching at the university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association).

Journal Publications:
  • Physicochemical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) flour and starch of two Indonesian rice varieties differing in amylose content
    International Food Research Journal 2017
  • In vitro digestibility of Indonesian cooked rice treated with cooling-reheating process and coconut milk addition
    International Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2015
  • Structural changes in cooked rice treated with cooling-reheating process and coconut milk addition as observed with FT-IR and 13C NMR
    Agritech, 2017
see other publications here (click here)

Ratna Handayani,
S.TP., M.P.

Department Chair
Ratna Handayani, S.TP., M.P. is the Department Chair of Food Technology. She teaches Food Material Knowledge; Introduction to Food Technology; Food Processing Technology; Food Safety and Sanitation; Food Packaging and Storage Technology; Food Quality Control courses. Her research interests include food product processing, foodstuff development, food safety and food packaging. She earned her bachelor's degree in Agricultural Product Technology from the Institute of Agriculture and Master of Agriculture in Food Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan. Aside from teaching at university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association).

see journal publications (click here)

Yuniwaty Halim,

Deputy Department
Yuniwaty Halim, M.Sc. is the Deputy Department of Food Technology. She teaches Food Microbiology; Food Processing Microbiology; Food Processing Technology; Food Material Knowledge; Introduction to Food Technology; Milk Processing Technology courses. Her research interests include functional food and the development of milk-based and natural food products. She earned her bachelor's degree in Food Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan and master's degree in Food Technology from Wageningen University. Apart from teaching at the university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association).

  • VLIR-UOS Scholarship (A scholarship to do short training initiative about cocoa and chocolate processing for 3 weeks, arranged by CacaoLab, Ghent University, Belgium on August 2015)
  • Food Valley Ambassador 2011-2012 (a joint internship program between university and food company for international students in Wageningen University & Research)
  • Master Degree Academic Scholarship from Dairy Science and Technology (DST) Fellowship Wageningen University & Research
Journal Publications:
  • Production of N-acetylglucosamine from shrimp shells’ chitin using intracellular chitinase from Mucor circinelloides
    Food Research 2020
  • Immobilization of Providencia stuartii Cells in Pumice Stone and Its Application on N-Acetylglucosamine Production
    Food Technology and Biotechnology 2022
  • Isolation, identification and chitinolytic index of bacteria from rotten tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) shells
    AACL Bioflux 2020
see other publications here (click here)

Natania, M.Eng.

Head of Quality Control Laboratory and Food Research & Innovation Laboratory
Natania, M.Eng. is a lecturer of Food Technology Study Program and Head of Quality Control Laboratory and Food Research & Innovation Laboratory. Her research interests include the functional properties of food (collaborating with several universities in Indonesia) as well as making new food prototypes (collaborative projects with the food industry). She earned her bachelor's degree in Food Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan and master's degree in Food Science and Biotechnology from Kyungsung University. Apart from teaching at the university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association).

Journal Publications:
  • Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Oligoalginate Lyase from a Newly Isolated Bacterium Sphingomonas sp. MJ-3
    HH Park, N Kam, EY Lee, HS Kim
    Marine biotechnology 14 (2), 189-202
  • Study on the stability of antioxidant and anti-α-glucosidase activities using soaking treatment of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) mucilage extracts
    H Cahyana, N Kam, Ellyn
    Chemistry International 3 (3), 202-21.
  • Development of natural flavor enhancer using shio koji fermentation from menir rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    K Natania, F Milkha
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2024 (1), 020057
see other publications here (click here)

Prof. Dr. Ir. Adolf J. N. Parhusip,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Adolf J. N. Parhusip, M.Si. is a lecturer of Food Technology Study Program. He teaches Food Microbiology; Food Processing Microbiology; Introduction to Food Technology; Food Safety and Sanitation; Food Legislation; Scientific Method courses. His research interests include active plant components, anti-bacteria, and food safety. He earned his bachelor's degree in Agricultural Product Technology from St. Unika. Thomas Medan, master's degree in Food Science from Institut Pertanian Bogor, and doctoral degree in Food Science from Institut Pertanian Bogor. Apart from teaching at the university, he is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association), PERMI (Indonesian Association of Microbiologists), Central Executive of PERGIZI FOOD for the 2019-2024 Period (Indonesian Nutrition and Food Expert Association), and AACC International (2014-2020).

see journal publications (click here)

Intan Cidarbulan Matita,

Head of Food Processing Laboratory
Intan Cidarbulan Matita, Ph.D. is a lecturer of Food Technology and Head of Food Processing Laboratory. She teaches Fermented Beverage Technology; Vegetable Fruit Processing Technology; Unit Operation courses. Her research interests include food product processing, foodstuff development, and functional food. She earned her bachelor's degree in Process and Food Technology from Haagse Hogeschool and doctoral degree in Food and Nutritional Sciences from the University of Reading. Apart from teaching at the university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association).

  • Received a 3-years funding from Loders Croklaan (now Bunge Loders Croklaan B.V) company in The Netherlands to take Doctorate Program at the University of Reading, United Kingdom
Journal Publications:
  • Antioxidant Properties of Different Types of Torbangun Herbal Tea
    Reaktor Jurnal, 2020
see other publications here (click here)

Dra. Julia Ratna Wijaya,

Dra. Julia Ratna Wijaya, M.App.Sc. is a Lecturer in Food Technology. She teaches coFood Biochemistry, Food Processing Technology, and Human Nutrition courses. Aside from teaching at the university, she is also a member of PATPI (Association of Indonesian Food Technology Experts).

Lucia Crysanthy Soedirga,

Lucia Crysanthy Soedirga, M.Sc. is a lecturer of Food Technology Study Program. She teaches Food Microbiology; Food Processing Microbiology; Milk Processing Technology; Food Packaging and Storage Technology. Her research interests include processing of milk-based products, plant-protein based, and food packaging. She earned her bachelor's degree in Food Technology from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master of Science in Food Technology from Wageningen University & Research. Aside from teaching at university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association).

  • Awardee of Anne van den Ban Fund (ABF) from Wageningen University & Research
  • Master Degree Academic Scholarship from Holland Scholarship International Master Programme
  • Master Degree Academic Scholarship from Dairy Science and Technology (DST) Fellowship Wageningen University & Research
Journal Publications:
  • Production of N-acetylglucosamine from Semi Purified Chitinase of Mucor circinelloides that Immobilized by using Agar
    Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2019, 21(2), 99-104.
  • Determination of solvent and ratio sample-solvent towards the production of oligo-glucosamine obtained from fermented tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) shell’s chitin by using precipitation method
    Food Research 4(6), 2020, 2163-2168
  • Effect of acetic acid hydrolysis on the characteristics of water soluble chitosan
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 414, No. 1, p. 012021). 2020. IOP Publishing
see other publications here (click here)

Prof. Dr. Ir. Melanie Cornelia,

Prof. Dr. Ir. Melanie Cornelia, MT is a director of graduate program and a lecturer of Food Technology Study Program. She teaches General Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Food Chemistry; Environmental Technology; Environmental Biotechnology; Environmental Engineering. Her research interests include the use of agricultural natural resources into food products and food packaging products as well as other industrial products that support environmental preservation and sustainable development. She earned her bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung, master's degree in Development Studies (Renewable Energy) from Institut Teknologi Bandung, and doctoral degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Management (Biodegradable) from Institut Pertanian Bogor. Aside from teaching at university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association), IFA (International Food Association), and PERGIZI (Indonesian Nutrition Association).

see other publications here (click here)

Dr. Tagor M. Siregar,
S.Si., M.Si.

Dr. Tagor M. Siregar, S.Si., M.Si. is a lecturer of Food Technology Study Program. He teaches General Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Food Chemistry; Food Analysis; Functional Food; Scientific Method. His research interests include plant bioactive components, food chemistry, functional food, and qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of food ingredients/products. He earned his bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the Universitas Sumatra Utara, master's degree in Environmental Science from the Universitas Indonesia, doctoral degree in Chemistry from the Universitas Indonesia. Aside from teaching at university, he is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association) and HKI (Indonesian Chemical Association).

  • Chemical Safety And Security Officer Training, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2011 (Chemical Security Engagement Program, Sandia National Laboratories, CRDF Global Grants)
Journal Publications:
  • Characteristics and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nanoparticles Derived from Extract of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
    Reaktor, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.17 No.3, 2017
see other publications here (click here)

Titri Siratantri Mastuti,
ST., M.Si., M.P.

Titri Siratantri Mastuti, ST., M.Si., M.P. is a lecturer of Food Technology Study Program. She teaches General Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Food Biochemistry courses. Her research interests include functional food, food product development based on natural food ingredients, and chemical analysis of food. She earned her bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from Universitas Diponegoro and a master's degrees in Environmental Science from Universitas Diponegoro and in Food Technology from the Institut Pertanian Bogor. Aside from teaching at university, she is also a member of the PATPI (Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association).

Journal Publications:
  • Profil Senyawa Polar Tiga Jenis Minyak Goreng Selama Penggorengan Tahu dan Tempe
    Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 30 (1)
  • Senyawa kimia penyusun ekstrak ethyl asetat dari daun pisang batu dan ambon hasil distilasi air
    Prosiding SNST
  • Aktivitas Penghambatan a-Glukosidase Pada Minuman Jeli Kulit Melinjo Kuning (Gnetum gnemon L.)
    Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi 2(2)
see other publications here (click here)

Ir. W. Donald R. Pokatong,
M.Sc., Ph.D.

Ir. W. Donald R. Pokatong, M.Sc., Ph.D. is a Lecturer of Food Technology. He teaches Food Biochemistry; Food Processing Technology; Food Analysis; Food Safety and Sanitation; Food Quality Assurance; Food Additives; Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology; Fermented Beverage Technology courses. His research interests include food processing and fermentation, functional food and bioproducts, edible film/coating, fermentation inhibitors, and product development. He earned his bachelor's degree in Agricultural Technology from Universitas Sam Ratulangi and master's and Doctoral degrees in Food Science and Applied Microbiology from the University of Saskatchewan. Aside from teaching at university, he was also an AACC International Member (2014-2020) and is an active member of PATPI (Association of Indonesian Food Technology Experts) and P3FNI (Association of Indonesian Functional and Nutritional Food Activists).

  • Postdoctoral fellowship at Plant Biotechnology Institute of NRCC, Saskatoon, Canada in 2001-2002.
  • 1st Outstanding Lecturer in Community Service at Unsrat Manado 2006.
Journal Publications:
  • Partial Substitution of Margarine with Avocado Fruit Puree for Healthy Pound Cake Preparation using Various Flour Types and Baking Methods
    Reaktor, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 21 No. 1, March 2021
see other publications here (click here)

2nd place and 3rd runner-up in the National Food Technology Competition (NFTC) 2023.

The UPH Food Technology Team have won the 2nd place and 3rd runner-up in the National Food Technology Competition (NFTC) 2023 held by Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya.


UPH Food Technology students won 1st place at The 4th INDONESIAN FOOD QUIZ BOWL COMPETITION 2016-2017. This competition is a biennial event held since 2011 by the Indonesian Food Care Student Association (HMPPI) in collaboration with the Indonesian Food Technology Expert Association (PATPI), and its year’s theme was “Integration for Sustainable Development”. One of the agendas of this competition is the selection of an Indonesian delegation for the ASEAN Undergraduate Food 2017 Quiz Bowl Competition in Vietnam in November 2017 held in the framework of The 15th ASEAN Food Conference 2017.

2nd place and 3rd runner-up in the National Food Technology Competition (NFTC) 2023

The UPH Food Technology Team have won the 2nd place and 3rd runner-up in the National Food Technology Competition (NFTC) 2023 held by Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya. The theme of this year’s NFTC was “Inovasi dan Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 dan Memperkuat Ketahanan Pangan Nasional”.

The 2nd place team consisted of three Food Technology students of the 2021 batch, namely Adriel Reinhart Heldi, Daniel Djie, and Kesya Christyanti Stephanus who submitted and presented an essay entitled “Pengembangan Sherbet Fungsional Berbahan Dasar Jamu Beras Kencur”. Meanwhile the 3rd runner-up team which consisted of Amanda Teresa Wibisana from the 2020 batch, with Dipakalyano, and Jonathan Dharyanto from the 2021 batch submitted and presented an essay entitled “Penghilangan Rasa Pahit Daun Pepaya dan Pemanfaatannya dalam Es Krim Fungsional”.


UPH Food Technology students won 1st place at The 4th INDONESIAN FOOD QUIZ BOWL COMPETITION 2016-2017. This competition is a biennial event held since 2011 by the Indonesian Food Care Student Association (HMPPI) in collaboration with the Indonesian Food Technology Expert Association (PATPI), and its year’s theme was “Integration for Sustainable Development”. One of the agendas of this competition is the selection of an Indonesian delegation for the ASEAN Undergraduate Food 2017 Quiz Bowl Competition in Vietnam in November 2017 held in the framework of The 15th ASEAN Food Conference 2017.

The UPH Food Technology Team consisted of Riviana Susanto, Jessica Chandra, Christopher I. Rimba, and Marshal Nathan. UPH faced 12 teams from 7 universities, including Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Pelita, Institute Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Katolik Widaya Mandala Surabaya, and Universitas Mulawarman. Chosen as a winner at the national level, the UPH Team departed to represent Indonesia in the ASEAN level competition.


The Indonesian Food Technology Association (PATPI) in collaboration with the Indonesian Food Care Student Association (HMPPI), again held the “3rd Indonesian Food Bowl quiz Competition”. The event consisted of seminar and talk show about food technology as well as quiz competition on food science, with the aim of creating togetherness between food technology students and raising awareness of food technology students on national food security.

UPH won the first place, after at the first and second Food Bowl Quiz winning first and second place. While their toughest opponents, IPB, won the second place and UGM won the third place. “We were very surprised. IPB, at the beginning, has scared us by sending 24 teams to advance at regional selection. But it turned out that, thank God, we managed to defeat them,” Sharon said.


The UPH Food Technology Team won 2nd place in the National Food Technology Competition (NFTC). The UPH team consisted of three Food Technology students of the 2011 class, namely Isabella Supardi, Sabrina Yoshe, and Valentina Jasmine. The team submitted a paper entitled Utilization of Cambodian Flower Sandalwood (Plumeria rubra f. Lutea) in ‘Herbal Tea’ products. The Winners got cash prize.

NFTC is a series of national level scientific workshops and competitions that focus on food issues in Indonesia. The theme raised at the year’s NFTC was “Increasing Food Security through Food Product Diversification”. This was motivated by the condition of Indonesia’s high population growth and if it was not anticipated it could lead to a food crisis. One of the prevention efforts was to strengthen food security through diversification of food products by utilizing various types of foodstuffs.

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