Applied Communication Sciences

Applied Communication Sciences.

Our Applied Communication Sciences Study Program will equip you with the knowledge and applicational skills of how communication is used in today's increasingly interconnected world and various media infrastructure. You will learn to analyze information and apply effective communications in and through 3 specializations that you can choose:

Broadcast and Digital Journalism
Corporate Communications
Digital Integrated Marketing Communication

faculty information

Graduate Profile.

  • Able to apply the knowledge effectively, professionally and ethically to create an interactive network of communications.
  • Able to effectively and ethically demonstrate research skills in the field of Communications and to disseminate the results for the benefit of society.
  • Able to contextually and theoretically develop scientific formulation in the field of Communications.

What Will I Study.

You will learn things related to communications, such as:

  • Communication in social activities/interactions
  • Fields in Communication
  • How to communicate effectively
  • Communication media
  • Ethics in Communication

*For course details, you can see on curriculum

What Will I Become.

Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Communications graduates:

  • Public relations officer
  • Broadcaster
  • Presenter/host
  • Journalist
  • Photographer
  • Cameraman
  • Advertiser
  • Event organizer

It All Begins Here.

  • FISIP UPH membuka wawasan dan memperlengkapi saya untuk memiliki ketrampilan di industri media. Saya bangga menjadi orang Indonesia pertama sebagai TV host di E! News Asia.

    Elizabeth Rahajeng

    Applied Communication Sciences 2013 - TV Host and Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger TV Host E!News Asia

  • Studi mengenai IMC di UPH, dibekali dengan teori dan ilmu praktis. Hasilnya, Lulusan UPH dipercaya dalam industri kreatif dan pemasaran.

    Richie Wirjan

    Applied Communication Sciences 2011 - Founder, CEO Credens Strategic Branding

  • Di UPH karakter kita dibentuk untuk menjadi seorang leader. Sama halnya dengan di Koultoura Coffee yang memegang prinsip "Character over skill and talent."

    Kinsky Bunyamin

    Applied Communication Sciences 2007 - Co Founder Petite and The Buns, Director of Marketing and Sales - AXIOO Photography and Cinematography

  • Passion harus kita gali sehingga dapat menentukan jurusan yang tepat guna mendukung karir. Kalau kita berangkat dari passion yang jelas, usai kuliah kita akan tahu mau jadi apa.

    Wahyu Wiwoho

    Applied Communication Sciences - News Anchor & Producer at Metro TV

Study Plan.

1st Semester
Courses Credits
Bahasa Indonesia 2
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama - Agama Dunia 4
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2
Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi 3
Pengantar Ilmu Politik 3
Dasar - Dasar Manajemen 3
Pengantar Sosiologi & Antropologi 3
Kecakapan Akademik 0
2nd Semester
Courses Credits
General English 2
Pancasila 2
Teori Komunikasi 1 3
Sosiologi Komunikasi 3
Berbicara di Depan Publik 3
Desktop Publishing 3
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran 0
Pengantar Jurnalistik (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Pengantar Public Relations (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Pengantar Integrated Marketing Communication (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
3rd Semester
Courses Credits
TOEFL IBT Preparation 2
Logika Terapan 2
Pengantar Hukum Indonesia 3
4th Semester
Courses Credits
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan 4
Teori Komunikasi 2 3
Komunikasi Massa 3
Etika dan Filsafat Komunikasi 3
Psikologi Komunikasi 3
Multimedia 3
5th Semester
Courses Credits
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika 4
Metode Penelitian Komunikasi 1 3
Komunikasi Antar Budaya 3
Komunikasi Organisasi 3
Komunikasi Antar Pribadi 3
Komunikasi Internasional 3
6th Semester
Courses Credits
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran 4
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 1 3
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 2 2
7th Semester
Courses Credits
Metode Penelitian Komunikasi 2 3
Online Journalism (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 2
Manajemen Media (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Penulisan Berita & Feature (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Jurnalistik Radio & Praktikum (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Foto Jurnalistik (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Pencarian & Pelaporan Berita Umum (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Penulisan PR (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 2
Pengelolaan Reputasi (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Pengelolaan Hubungan Pelanggan (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Relasi Media (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Strategi Komunikasi Korporasi (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Tanggung Jawab Sosial Korporasi (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Manajemen Event (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 2
Perilaku Konsumen (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
Pengelolaan Hubungan Pelanggan (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
Manajemen IMC (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
Media Planning (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
Advertising Copywriting (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
8th Semester
Courses Credits
Kajian Media, Masyarakat dan Budaya 3
New Media Technologies 3
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 3 3
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 4 2
Jurnalistik Televisi dan Praktikum (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Print Media Production (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik)
Isu dan Studi Kasus Jurnalistik (Konsentrasi Jurnalistik) 3
Pratikum Public Relation (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Produksi Iklan Korporat (Konsentrasi Public Relations)
Manajemen Kasus-Kasus PR (Konsentrasi Public Relations) 3
Produksi Iklan Komersial (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
Strategi Komunikasi Merk (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication)
Kasus-Kasus dalam IMC (Konsentrasi Integrated Marketing Communication) 3
9th Semester
Courses Credits
Seminar 3
Capstone 3
10th Semeser
Courses Credits
Tugas Akhir 6
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 1 dan 3
Courses Credits
Citizen Journalism 3
Television Feature and Documentary 3
Travel Journalism 3
PR & Social Media 3
PR Ethics 3
Kampanye PR 3
Marketing PR 3
International Advertising 3
Semiotika Iklan 3
Digital Media Planning 3
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 2 dan 4
Courses Credits
Media & Budaya Pop 2
Argumentation & Debate 2
Digital Media Planning 2
Digital Marketing 2
Iklan dan Masyarakat 2
PR for NGO 2
Stakeholders Relations 2
Event Management 2
Wawasan Dunia
Courses Credits
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama Dunia
Logika Terapan / Critical Thinking
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran
Pengenalan Diri
Courses Credits
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Pengantar Ilmu Alam
Bahasa Indonesia / BIPA
General English
Kecakapan Akademik
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran
Study Fee
Total Study Fee Rp209.240.000

*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum

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Our Facilities.


Dr. Benedictus A. Simangunsong,
S.IP., M.Si.

Head of Communications Science
Dr. Benedictus A. Simangunsong, S.IP., M.SI. is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Teori Komunikasi 2, Metodologi Penelitian Komunikasi 1, and Metodologi Penelitian 2 courses. His areas of interest include digital, literacy, and culture and society. He earned his Master in Communication Management from Universitas Indonesia, and Doctoral Degree in Communication Studies from Universitas Padjajaran.

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Pincanny Georgiana Poluan,
S.I.Kom., M.A.

Pincanny Georgiana Poluan, S.I.Kom., M.A. is the Lecturer of Communications Science. She teaches Social Media Content Creator Course. She earned her master's degree from Maastricht University.

Agustin Diana Wardaningsih,
S.E., M.I.Kom.

Agustin Diana Wardaningsih, S.E., M.I.Kom. is a Lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. She teaches Psikologi Komunikasi, News & Features Writing, Skripsi, Magang Jurnalistik, Communication Theory 1, Magang PR, and Magang IMC courses. She earned her Master’s Degree in Communication from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Carly Scheffer Sumampouw,
S.Sos., M.COMM.

Carly Scheffer Sumampouw, S.Sos., M.Comm. is a Lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. She teaches Internship on PR, Jurnalistik Radio & Praktikum, Skripsi, Internship on IMC, Pengelolaan Hubungan Pelanggan, and Customer Relationship MGT courses. Her areas of interest include digital communication, and broadcast and branding. She earned her Master’s Degree in International Communication Management from The Hague University. He is also a Christian Pre-marital Facilitator.

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Dr. Dra. Desideria Lumongga Dwihadiah,

Dr. Dra. Desideria Lumongga Dwihadiah, M.SI is a Lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. She teaches Internship on PR, Metode Penelitian Komunikasi 2, Thesis, Seminar Masalah IMC, Komunikasi Antar Pribadi, Ethics & Philosophy of Communication, Seminar Masalah Jurnalistik, and Comm. Research Methods 2 courses. She earned her Master’s Degree in Communication Management and Doctorate’s Degree from Universitas Indonesia.

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Dr. Drs. Emrus,

Dr. Drs. Emrus, M.Si. is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi, Magang IMC, Komunikasi Massa, Skripsi, Argumentation and Debate, and Metode Penelitian 1 courses. He earned his Master’s Degree from Institut Pertanian Bogor, and Doctorate Degree from Universitas Padjajaran.

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Johanes Herlijanto,
M.Si., Ph.D.

Johanes Herlijanto, M.Si., Ph.D. is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Skripsi, Introduction to Politics, Study of Media, Soc. & Culture, Pengantar Ilmu Politik, Kajian Media, and Masy. dan Budaya courses. He earned his Master’s Degree from Universitas Indonesia, and Doctorate’s Degree from Macquarie University.

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Jumadal Simamora,
S.Sos., M.I.Kom.

Jumadal Simamora, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Komunikasi Massa, New Media Technology, Seminar Jurnalistik, Multimedia, Magang Jurnalistik, Psikologi Komunikasi, Travel Journalism, Jurnalistik Online, Citizen Jourlaism, and Desktop Publishing courses. His areas of interest include new media study. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Science from STISIP Widuri Jakarta, and Master’s Degree in Communication Science from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

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Kevin Sutedja,
S.I.Kom., M.Sc.

Kevin Sutedja, S.I.Kom., M.Sc. is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Digital Marketing, and Digital Media Planning courses. He earned his Master’s Degree from Leeds Beckett University in the UK.

Magdalena Lestari Ginting,
S.Sos., M.P.A., M.I.Kom.

Magdalena Lestari Ginting, S.Sos., M.P.A., M.I.Kom. is a Lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. She teaches Advertising Copywriting, Strategi Komunikasi Merek, Perencanaan Media, Skripsi, Media Planning, Magang PR, Introduction to IMC, and International Advertising courses. She earned her Master’s Degree in Communication Management from Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret and Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay,
S.Sos., M.Si.

Marsefio Sevyone Luhukay, S.SOS., M.SI. is a Lecturer of Communication Sciences. She teaches Pengantar Public Relations, Internship on PR, Penulisan Public Relations, Magang PR, Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi, Skripsi, PR for NGO, and Marketing PR courses. She earned her Master’s Degree in Media and Communication Studies from Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.

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Dr. Naniek Novijanti Setijadi,
S.Pd, M.Si

Dr. Naniek Novijanti Setijadi, S.PD, M.SI. is a Lecturer of Communication Sciences. She teaches Internship on PR, Introduction to Communication, Thesis, Mass Communication, and Communication Theory courses. Her areas of interest include cultural studies, and media studies. She earned her Master’s Degree in Communication Management and Doctorate’s Degree in Communication Science from Universitas Indonesia. She also has a Dosen Nasional Indonesia Certificate.

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Prof. Dr. Drs. Paulus Tangdilintin

Prof. Dr. Drs. Paulus Tangdilintin is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Magang PR, Skripsi, Peng. Sosiologi dan Antropologi, and Magang IMC courses. He earned his Master’s Degree and Doctorate’s Degree in Sociology from Universitas Indonesia.

Dr. Rizaldi Parani,
S.Sos., MIR

Dr. Rizaldi Parani, S.Sos., MIR is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Comm. Research Methods 2, Thesis, Peng. Sosiologi & Antropologi, Internship on PR, Komunikasi Organisasi, and Tanggung Jawab Sosial Korporasi courses. He earned his Master’s Degree in Industrial Relations from University of Sydney, and Doctorate’s Degree in Communication Science from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

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Rose Emmaria Tarigan,
S.Sos., M.Si.

Rose Emmaria Tarigan, S.Sos., M.SI. is a Lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. She teaches Psikologi Komunikasi, News Gathering and Reporting, Pencarian dan Pelaporan Berita, Etika & Filsafat Komunikasi, and Thesis courses. She earned her Master’s Degree in Communication Science from Universitas Indonesia.

  • The Best Paper Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi Humanis 2020 Universitas Tarumanegara
Journal Publications:
  • Jurnal Nyimak Volume 4 No1

Drs. Roy Robert Rondonuwu,

Drs. Roy Robert Rondonuwu, M.Lib. is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Event Management, MPK, Etika dan Filsafat Komunikasi, and Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi courses. His areas of interest include training, and community service. He earned his Master of Librarian from University of Wales. He is also a Public Speaking Trainer.

Selvi Siregar,
S.Sos., M.Si., M.B.A.

Selvi Siregar, S.Sos., M.Si., M.B.A. is a Lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. She teaches Jurnalistik Online, Manajemen Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu, Integrated Marketing Communication MGT, and Online Journalism courses. She earned her Master’s Degree in Communication Management from Hochschule Offenburg University of Applied Science.

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Sigit Pamungkas,
S.T., M.T.

Sigit Pamungkas, S.T., M.T. is a lecturer of Communication Science Study Program. He teaches Jurnalistik Online, Multimedia, Magang PR, Internship on IMC, and Skripsi courses. He earned his Master’s Degree in Engineering from Universitas Pelita Harapan.


The intolerance towards ethnicities is a problem increasing at a dangerous rate in social media. This is the concern fueling a Campaign Project executed by three Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Communication Science – Public Relations students. Their attempt landed them in 1st place in the PRAHASTA (Pertempuran Humas Nusantara) category in Ajisaka 2018 held in UGM Yogyakarta on November 2-3, 2018.


Becoming a professional must be trained since today. That is what University of Pelita Harapan (UPH) Communication Science (Ilkom) students implemented, Kristela Margono, Florencia Cindy, and Rhency. They took a part in GoPRO – Go PR Professional competition that was conducted at Al Azhar Indonesia University (UAI) on August 3 and 5, 2018. The students from cohort 2016 won the 3rd place by raising the idea of caring for the survival of marine animals, especially in Ancol.

Regarding the reason of raising the idea about the survival of marine animals, they considered this thing as an important one because they saw that the cleanliness of marine ecosystems contributed to creating an ideal marine life.” Besides UPH, the participants in this competition were Padjajaran University which sent two teams, and both won 1st and 2nd place. Each of them raised the theme of Sumatran Elephant protection and protection against animal exploitation.


The intolerance towards ethnicities is a problem increasing at a dangerous rate in social media. This is the concern fueling a Campaign Project executed by three Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) Communication Science – Public Relations students, Clarita (2016), David Gunarso (2017), and Elizabeth Lius (2017). Their attempt landed them in 1st place in the PRAHASTA (Pertempuran Humas Nusantara) category in Ajisaka 2018 held in Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, on November 2-3, 2018.

“We started the campaign through Instagram, seeing that it’s one of the most prominent social media. We made infographics, facts, and presented visual information about ethnicity intolerance. Then, we designed the main event – we made a competition that urges students, as millennials, to participate, and we named it ‘Terasi – Tebas Rasa Intoleransi’ (Eradicate Intolerance). In this competition, participants are presented with case studies and will be asked to propose a solution to the problem using facilities identical with the millennial era. This is what we proposed. And this is what brings us to victory,” Elizabeth said.


Juan Ferdinand and Firtiza Octalia Eddy won the first place in the ‘Epicentrum 2017’ competition, the largest event held by the Faculty of Communication Sciences from Universitas Padjajaran on November 13-16, 2017. The competition, with the theme “Youth Responsibility for Indonesia”, was participated by 122 teams from various universities such as the Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Kristen Petra, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, etc. Juan and Firtiza are students from Communication study program, with concentration in Advertising.

“We are proud to bring the name of the UPH Communication and give maximum achievements. This is our last chance before graduating. The experience of studying at UPH provides many benefits to prepare us to go into the society, such as the values of hard work, never giving up, and keeping in mind that God is always with us even on the lowest point of our life. Moreover, when we entered the final round, I and my colleague got sick just before the final day. From this experience I learned that it is not where we are placed, but how we want to survive in that place. So, no matter where we are, as long as we have the will to thrive, we can do it. This is the value that has been planted in me,” Juan concluded.

Activity Gallery.

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Communications Student Council.

Communications Student Council is a mediator to help building a network and relationship among students, and also between students and lecturers, and also to help realizing the potential of the Communication Science students of UPH, through academic and non-academic programs.


Making UPH’s Communications Student Council a facilitator to help building relationships among students, and also between fellow students and lecturers, and to develop the potential of students of Communication Study Program in order to become academically and non-academically qualified individuals.


  • Organizing academic and non-academic activities by involving UPH communication science students.
  • Improving the quality and values of the activities that have been held.
  • Building relationships with student organizations within the UPH as well as outside UPH, by actively participating and supporting activities held.


  • Communication Avenue
  • Communication Gathering
  • One Communication (OC)
  • Communication Night
  • Comparative study
  • ICON (Informative Communication News)
  • Company Visit
  • Future Endeavor
  • Communication Education
  • AKSARA (Communications Community Event)

Organization Structure.