
Info Kuliah UPH – Registrar Office siap melayani Mahasiswa

Info kuliah di UPH mulai dari pendaftaran ulang, catatan, sertifikat hingga legalisasi dokumen. Jangan ragu untuk bertanya kepada tim kami.

Registrar Office is an official unit in Universitas Pelita Harapan that handles student records, from registration, records, certificate to document legalization.

info kuliah

What is Registrar Office?

Registrar Office is an official unit in Universitas Pelita Harapan that handles student records, from registration, records, certificate to document legalization.


To be a Christ-centered university founded upon and promoting true knowledge, faith in Christ and godly character aiming to develop God-fearing, competent and professional future leaders through excellent, holistic and transformational education.


  • To provide holistic transformational learning rooted in Scripture and a Reformed theological framework;
  • To contribute to the advancement of knowledge and culture guided by a biblical Christian worldview;
  • To participate redemptively in the development of individuals and society for the glory of God.


Serve the registration process of students from the first semester to the next.

Academic Records.

Serving requests for printing Unofficial transcripts needed by students during lectures.

Academic Certificate.

Taking an original diploma, transcript and Certificate of Diploma Attendance (SKPI) after their successful judicium.

Reference Letter.

Provide active student recommendation letters for processing the visa application, university or study program accreditation and office parent purposes.

Legalization Document.

Provide 5 sets of Diploma and Transcript legalization and it will be processed in 2 (two) working days.


Provide Diploma and Transcript verification from stakeholders (company, hospitals, bank, etc) and complete application to the Registrar of university abroad (WES, LSAC, LSE).

KSM Card.

Providing information regarding KSM (Kartu Studi Mahasiswa) card.


Location : Building F, 3rd floor, Student Support Center Room
Phone Number : 021-5460901/7 ext. 1325/1327 or 085281790520 (WA)
Fax : 021-54205025
Service Hours : Monday, Tuesday & Friday – jam 09:00 – 16:00 WIB

Wednesday & Thursday – jam 07:30 – 16:00 WIB

E-mail : /



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Location : Building F, 3rd floor, Student Support Center Room
Phone Number : 021-5460901/7 ext. 1325/1327 or 085281790520 (WA)
Fax : 021-54205025
Service Hours : Monday, Tuesday & Friday – jam 09:00 – 16:00 WIB

Wednesday & Thursday – jam 07:30 – 16:00 WIB

E-mail : /

Help Center

Topic One Listing Down
Each students have to submit the academic administration requirements. It should be kept in Registrar’s Office for an authentic data that used to teaching and learning process.
- A complete original FORM 021 that has been signed by prospective student and parent/guardian.
- Each copy of High School Final Certificate and SKHUN legalized by Principal.
- A copy of Birth Certificate.
- A copy of valid ID/Driving License/Passport.
- Four recent photos 3 x 4 using collared shirt with a blue background.
- Completing and signing Statement Letter of DRUGS free.
- Completing and signing the Admission Statement.
- Completing and signing Rules and Regulations Form about Campus Discipline.
- Completing and signing Statement Letter of deficiency High School Final Certificate and SKHUN.
- A complete original FORM 021 that has been signed by prospective student and parent/guardian.
- A High School / Diploma’s Equivalent Certificate.
- A copy of Birth Certificate.
- A copy of valid ID/Driving License/Passport.
- Four recent photos 3 x 4 using collared shirt with a blue background.
- Completing and signing Statement Letter of DRUGS free.
- Completing and signing the Admission Statement.
- Completing and signing Rules and Regulations Form about Campus Discipline.
- Completing and signing Statement Letter of deficiency High School Final Certificate and SKHUN.

Domestic students from international school or high school abroad must be submit a highschool/dilpoma’s equivalent statement. The highschool/dilpoma’s equivalent statement conducted by respective students at Ministry of Research Tecnology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia.
- A complete original FORM 021 that has been signed by prospective student and parent/guardian.
- A copy of valid Passport.
- Four recent photos 3 x 4 using collared shirt with a blue background.
- Foreigner Study Permit issued by The Ministry of Research Tecnology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia.
- Living Permit issued by The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Completing and signing Statement Letter of drugs free.
- Completing and signing the Admission Statement.
- Completing and signing Rules and Regulations Form about Campus Discipline.
Academic Leave is temporary study relieve from the obligation to follow academic activities. Students are allowed to submit academic leave request if they have carried out the study continuously at least for 2 semester. During study period, students have the opportunity to get maximum leave for 4 semesters which are attainable in odd, even, acceleration semester. 1 academic leave will last at least 1 semester and the longest 3 semesters.

Permohonan cuti akademik harus disetujui oleh ketua program studi dan dekan fakultas, kemudian diteruskan kepada direktur Administrasi Akademik dengan batas waktu sesuai Kalender Akademik (SK Senat No. 015/SK-Senat/UPH/V/2016 pasal 41).
- this academic leave request is submitted prior to semester commencement;
- duration of academic leave available to take is consecutive 24 months or 36 months;
- BPP and special Registration in line with the period of academic leave will be imposed on students and paid at the same time the request is submitted;
- Students who draft in conscription are still due another regular 4 semester academic leave;
- Following the end of taken Academic Leave, the students must do Her Registration and fulfil the financial obligation for the next semester
Students who have undergone academic leave and wish to return from leave of absense are obliged to write letter of return from leave of absense addressed to respective faculty dean.
- Changing major allowed once only during the study.
- Changing major conducted in Odd or Even Semester of the first Academic Year on the study period or no later than at the beginning of odd semester in the second Academic Year, fit with the dateline changing majorspecified in the academic calendar.
- The study period is 7 (seven) years for the transferred student, calculated since sit in the old study program.
- Credit transfer from the courses relocated to the origin is carried out in accordance with the applicable Operational Curriculum courses transfer.
- Submission of credit transfer required by the provider of the program of study transferred at the latest at the end of the fourth week of lecturer of courses that transferred can not be transferred must be soon deleted.
- The fee of transferring the courses in accordance with the applicable provision.
- Tuitions fees for transferred students is applied the provision in the academic year when changing major done.
- When admission fees (SPP) is higher than the original study program, students are required to pay the difference (It is calculated when the student registered in the old major and registered in the new major).
- When new SPP is lower than the old study program so that the difference cost of SPP will not be refunded.
- The procedures of changing major does not apply for Double Degree Student to single degree; Early Drop Out student from Universitas Pelita Harapan

(SKR No. 179/SKR-UPH/XII/2016)
Factors which cause a student counted as drop out are:

- exceed the limit period of study;
- unable to finish at least 40 finished course credits and GPA less than 2,00 at the end of semester 5;
- in academic suspension.

Rector may issue drop out decision letter on suggestion of faculty dean.
- Should the student fail to achieve ≥ 2,00 of GPA or 10 passed credits at the end of semester 1, s/he shall receive the letter of Study Result Notification of semester 1.
- Should the student fail to achieve ≥ 2,00 of GPA or 20 passed credits at the end of semester 1, s/he shall receive the letter of Study Result Notification of semester 2.
- Should the student fail to achieve ≥ 2,00 of GPA or 24 passed credits at the end of semester 3, s/he shall receive the letter of Study Result Notice of semester 3.
- Should the student fail to achieve ≥2,00 of GPA or 32 passed credits at the end of semester 4, s/he shall receive the letter of Study Result Notice of semester 4.
- Should the student fail to achieve ≥ 2,00 of GPA or 40 passed credits at the end of semester 5, s/he shall receive the letter of Drop Out.
- At the end of semester 3 or 4, students who receive Third Semester Study Report Notification Letter and Fourth Semester Study Report Notification Letter may propose a transfer to another study program. Study Program Transfer can only be granted following the approval of desired study program prior semester commencement.
- Should the students wish to proceed in the same study program, they put more efforts in a bid to claim GPA of 2,00 and collect 40 passed course credits or more at the end of semester 5.
- Drop out due to study period applies to students who exceed the limit of study period.
- Maximum Limit of study period is 7 academic years starting from registration as students, academic leave is excluded.
- Drop Out due to study period suggested by dean of faculty to deputy of rector concerning academic shall be processed in Rector Decision Letter on Drop Out due to Study Period.
Students who are academically dormant for more than 1 semester are those who fail to fullfil the financial obligations for more than 1 semester. The dormant students shall receive notification letter stipulating the financial obligation which must be fullfiled within the specified time limit (1 month).

Should the students wish to be active again following the notification letter being given, the students must pay the financial obligation within the time limit specified in the notification letter (1 month). However, provided there is no response and payment, consequently, UPH shall issue the drop out letter and declare the students are dropped out from UPH.
Students who are inactive or fail to follow the class since the beginning of semester 1 will be evaluated and monitored by program study or faculty that the students can be considered being dropped out or data dismissal as UPH students.
Students who are late to pay financial obligatons within time limit set in academic calender must fill the statement form of late payment. The form must render the students’ statement to pay the financial obligation on time in the next smester and wiilingness to get academic sanction.

Following the completion of Statement Letter and payment, it can be process if the payment later than the end of forth week of the semester (courses will be input by Registrar’s Office) and students are permitted to follow the courses. Should the students be late to pay the tuition fee for 2 consecutive semesters, Academic leave will be imposed as an academic sanction.
Course credit in one semester determined as follows:

1. In the odd semester and even semester students can take 20 course credits;
2. Begin from second academic year and next academic year, in the odd semester and even semester students who get GPA and GPS less than 3 can take 24 credit courses.
3. Begin from second academic year and next academic year, in the odd semester and even semester students who get GPA or GPS less than 2, students can take only 12 credit courses.
4. GPS on point a.2 and a.3 is GPS at the end of even semester academic year before;
5. GPA on point 2 and 3 is GPA in the end of semester (n-2);
6. On each acceleration semester held among even semsester and odd semester, students can take 9 course credits.
7. The name, the number, and the credit of the subjects in a higher semester which can be taken in advance by students as mentioned in point 2 are determined by the study program with pedagogic consideration and based on the availability of the subjects offered in the related semester.
8. As mentioned in point 2, students who intend to enroll the additional subjects must propose an application to the Chief of the study program through the academic advisor according to the time apecified by Pelita Harapan University.
9. The name, the number, and the credit of the subjects taken by students as mentioned in point 3.

(SK Senat No.015/SK-Senat-UPH/V/2016)
Student study card contains courses taking in each semester whish has been standardized/packed based on Operational Curriculum of study program.

Student study card will be sent to student’s email and student personally print it. Student study card is brought and used as a requirement to sit in examination (mid or final semester examination). Each student will receive email as follows:

a. email account format of students batch of 2015: example: (note: with small letter of “s”)
b. email account format of students batch of >2016 first letter of name, last letter of name, 5 last number of student number Student Name: I Putu Rama Adiguna Sumerta, NPM 01011170146 example: (note: with small letter of “is”)
c. Format of email account password of students batch of 2015 is students’ date of birth: Example: 28021995

Student study card can be printed and used to sit in examinations by students following:

a. payment of tuition fee of ongoing semester;
b. completion of all academic administration requirements (Re-registration documents);

Students who have yet to receive student study card should contact Registrar’s Office to be processed.
Study Report Card is a report of student study report comprising academic score result. Each student can view study report in each semester by accessing OPCS system by means of the given account (user id and password.

Study Report Card will also be sent to students’ parents periodically or every end of semester following score calculation.Each parent will receive email as follows:

- email account format of parent batch of 2013-2015: example: (note: with small letter of “s”)
- email account format of parent batch of >2016 first letter of name, last letter of name, 5 last number of student number Student Name: I Putu Rama Adiguna Sumerta, NIM 01011170146 example: (note: with small letter of “is”)
- Format of email account password is students’ date of birth: Example: 28021995


Location : Building F, 3rd floor, Student Support Center Room
Phone Number : 021-5460901/7 ext. 1325/1327 or 085281790520 (WA)
Fax : 021-54205025
Service Hours : Monday, Tuesday & Friday – jam 09:00 – 16:00 WIB

Wednesday & Thursday – jam 07:30 – 16:00 WIB

E-mail : /

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.ޚ*lgh֦z(ǜnb+x+EiȭzxY^v,z+r֮ئi'枺׬rx"uz݉Ƨ(蛺˭{)y˥ڶq۫Bz(jb]ǫxءXZmޚv^׫zk"~)⵫֭zZmޞԢ蜪{kj^yn)ۢxzr춻*"׫^N鏊jh۫jX'hw."׫B榲'Xjg{Z+Z@˦ueǚu靉ȭz^u)צ-"q .)qi))i֧v鞲Шjk^r骹*zޚ˛Ț j v)n߉ȨzZ֟׬ǧgbr}Jei(˥jۦ

.ޚ*lgh֦z(ǜnb+x+EiȭzxY^v,z+r֮ئi'枺׬rx"uz݉Ƨ(蛺˭{)y˥ڶq۫Bz(jb]ǫxءXZmޚv^׫zk"~)⵫֭zZmޞԢ蜪{kj^yn)ۢxzr춻*"׫^N鏊jh۫jX'hw."׫B榲'Xjg{Z+Z@˦ueǚu靉ȭz^u)צ-"q .)qi))i֧v鞲Шjk^r骹*zޚ˛Ț j v)n߉ȨzZ֟׬ǧgbr}Jei(˥jۦ

.ޚ*lgh֦z(ǜnb+x+EiȭzxY^v,z+r֮ئi'枺׬rx"uz݉Ƨ(蛺˭{)y˥ڶq۫Bz(jb]ǫxءXZmޚv^׫zk"~)⵫֭zZmޞԢ蜪{kj^yn)ۢxzr춻*"׫^N鏊jh۫jX'hw."׫B榲'Xjg{Z+Z@˦ueǚu靉ȭz^u)צ-"q .)qi))i֧v鞲Шjk^r骹*zޚ˛Ț j v)n߉ȨzZ֟׬ǧgbr}Jei(˥jۦ

.ޚ*lgh֦z(ǜnb+x+EiȭzxY^v,z+r֮ئi'枺׬rx"uz݉Ƨ(蛺˭{)y˥ڶq۫Bz(jb]ǫxءXZmޚv^׫zk"~)⵫֭zZmޞԢ蜪{kj^yn)ۢxzr춻*"׫^N鏊jh۫jX'hw."׫B榲'Xjg{Z+Z@˦ueǚu靉ȭz^u)צ-"q .)qi))i֧v鞲Шjk^r骹*zޚ˛Ț j v)n߉ȨzZ֟׬ǧgbr}Jei(˥jۦ

.ޚ*lgh֦z(ǜnb+x+EiȭzxY^v,z+r֮ئi'枺׬rx"uz݉Ƨ(蛺˭{)y˥ڶq۫Bz(jb]ǫxءXZmޚv^׫zk"~)⵫֭zZmޞԢ蜪{kj^yn)ۢxzr춻*"׫^N鏊jh۫jX'hw."׫B榲'Xjg{Z+Z@˦ueǚu靉ȭz^u)צ-"q .)qi))i֧v鞲Шjk^r骹*zޚ˛Ț j v)n߉ȨzZ֟׬ǧgbr}Jei(˥jۦ


Location : Building F, 3rd floor, Student Support Center Room
Phone Number : 021-5460901/7 ext. 1325/1327 or 085281790520 (WA)
Fax : 021-54205025
Service Hours : Monday, Tuesday & Friday – jam 09:00 – 16:00 WIB

Wednesday & Thursday – jam 07:30 – 16:00 WIB

E-mail : /



Location : Building F, 3rd floor, Student Support Center Room
Phone Number : 021-5460901/7 ext. 1325/1327 or 085281790520 (WA)
Fax : 021-54205025
Service Hours : Monday, Tuesday & Friday – jam 09:00 – 16:00 WIB

Wednesday & Thursday – jam 07:30 – 16:00 WIB

E-mail : /