Go Cycling by UPH Medical School.

UPH Medical School held Go Cycling action as a form of caring for the earth at the Monas (25/04).

UPH Medical School held ‘Go Cycling’ program at Monas (25/04) as a form of caring for the earth. The event which was opened by the Dean of UPH Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Eka, was followed by approximately 35 bike clubs from different cities. The route started from Monumen Nasional (Monas), and ended at Senayan. Although the speed was a bit slow because of schoolchildren parade, the participants were still spirited to continue cycling until the finish line.

“Cycling is very good for leg muscles, especially for those whose legs are stiff,” said Dr. Vito, UPH Medical School lecturer. Dr. Alina added that cycling was better than aerobic, especially good for body endurance. This statement was seconded by a participant who always cycling every week, Sapirmin (65), that ever since he started cycling he felt more fresh and healthier.

After cycling, the next event was a talk on nutrition by Dr. Savitri from Siloam Hospital. “A healthy life means not getting sick easily, remains productive, thus able to do a lot of activities,” she said. Dr. Savitri revealed some simple tips on healthy life that can be applied in everyday life.

Dr. Eka J. W.

Simple tips for a healthy life style by Dr. Savitri:

  1. Stop smoking.
  2. Eat five times a day, three big meals and two snacks. “Do not miss breakfast, it is the source of our energy to start the activity,” she said.
  3. Note the three main nutrients in food: carbohydrates (rice, noodles, potatoes), fat (seafood and vegetable), fat (meat, main courses).
  4. Do not peel fruit until smooth, because the essential nutrients will be lost.
  5. Do more activities that involve body movement, for example walk to the parking lot and going up the stairs.
  6. Exercise at least four times a week for 30 minutes. “Doing sports once a week, or just for 15 minutes, have a very slight difference with having no exercise at all,” said Dr. Savitri. (Sar)

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