
Jurusan Biologi – Info Program Studi

Jurusan Biologi merupakan cabang dari Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam yang mempelajari makhluk hidup dan hubungannya dengan lingkungannya, mulai dari mikroorganisme terkecil sampai hewan terbesar, termasuk struktur, fungsi, pertumbuhan, evolusi, persebaran, dan taksonominya, tidak hanya itu, jurusan biologi juga akan mempelajari kesehatan manusia dan hewan. Ilmu biologi modern sangat luas hingga dibagi menjadi berbagai macam cabang dan subdisiplin yang didefinisikan berdasarkan skala dan jenis organisme yang dipelajari, serta metode yang digunakan untuk mempelajarinya. Berikut beberapa di antaranya:

  • Biokimia, yaitu berkenaan dengan kimia kehidupan
  • Biologi molekuler, yaitu berkenaan dengan interaksi antar molekul biologis
  • Botani, yaitu berkenaan dengan biologi tumbuhan seluler dan meneliti satuan dasar setiap kehidupan sel
  • Fisiologi, yaitu berkenaan dengan fungsi fisik, kimia jaringan organ, dan sistem organ suatu organisme
  • Biologi evolusioner, yaitu berkenaan dengan proses yang menghasilkan keanekaragaman hayati
  • Ekologi, yaitu berkaitan dengan interaksi antara organisme dengan lingkungannya.

Mempelajari Ilmu Biologi tentunya sangat menarik dan bermanfaat, karena Biologi mengajak kita memahami banyak hal tentang mahluk hidup hingga ke seluk beluknya, mulai dari unit terkecil alias sel hingga ke berbagai ragam spesies yang ada. Bagi anda yang menyukai hewan dan tumbuhan juga kegiatan outdoor, jurusan ini sangat sesuai. Anda akan banyak meneliti perkembangan hewan dan tumbuhan secara langsung dan melakukan banyak kegiatan menarik di laboratorium. Kini jurusan biologi kian berkembang pesat dan keberadaannya mutlak dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan teknologi, sejak berbagai penemuan sebelumnya seperti genetika, bioteknologi, mikrobiologi, dan obat-obatan herbal. Ditambah lagi isu-isu mengenai “pemanasan global” mulai menyentuh bidang ekologi dan konservasi alam.

Berkenalan dengan Jurusan Biologi atau Bioteknologi UPH

Jurusan Bioteknologi adalah teknologi yang memanfaatkan materi genetik, mikroorganisme, tanaman atau hewan dengan memodifikasi proses selulernya atau untuk menghasilkan produk dan/atau proses yang bermanfaat. Sebagai contohnya adalah produksi insulin rekombinan menggunakan mikroorganisme untuk penderita diabetes, tanaman transgenik yang dikembangkan supaya tahan terhadap hama, penyakit, lingkungan ekstrim tertentu atau metode diagnostik untuk penyakit tertentu, seperti SARS-CoV-2 yang sedang menjadi pandemi hingga awal tahun 2022 ini.

Perkembangan global Bioteknologi dan bisnis yang terkait sangat menjanjikan, dan telah berkontribusi untuk kesejahteraan manusia khususnya di bidang kesehatan dan industri. Jika dikaitkan dengan kondisi pandemi Covid-19 saat ini, Bioteknologi memberikan kontribusinya yang sangat besar, seperti dalam proses diagnosa kasus positif Covid-19, pengembangan vaksin, dan juga obat-obatan. Kesempatan yang besar ini masih sangat memungkinkan untuk dimanfaatkan di Indonesia, karena tenaga terampil yang tersedia di bidang Bioteknologi masih tergolong sedikit. Untuk dapat memberikan dampak yang lebih besar kepada banyak orang dan menangkap peluang dalam persaingan global di masa sekarang maupun mendatang, maka tenaga terampil dan ahli Bioteknologi sangat diperlukan.

Kurikulum Jurusan Biologi atau Bioteknologi dirancang untuk melatih mahasiswa berkemampuan belajar mandiri, berpikir kritis, dan memiliki soft skills serta mampu memecahkan masalah di bidang Bioteknologi. Kurikulum ditekankan pada integrasi antara teori dan praktek. Pada tahun I dan II, mahasiswa akan belajar dasar dasar Biologi, Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler. Pada tahun ke III mahasiswa akan belajar aplikasi Bioteknologi berdasarkan pilihan untuk menunjang tugas akhir. Sedangkan pada tahun ke IV, mahasiswa akan mempelajari ilmu-ilmu penunjang baik melalui proyek mandiri, kerja praktek ataupun program kampus merdeka dan menyelesaikan tugas akhir.

Dengan adanya laboratorium biologi dasar dan biologi lanjutan, penelitian di Jurusan Biologi UPH berfokus pada bidang medis dan industri. Beberapa penelitian dalam bidang medis antara lain mengenai agen fibrinolitik yang diperoleh dari mikroorganisme ataupun tanaman, karakterisasi bakteri asam laktat atau bakteri probiotik lainnya, dan senyawa antimikroba. Penelitian lainnya terkait bidang industri/lingkungan seperti dekolorisasi senyawa pewarna tekstil menggunakan mikroorganisme.

Jurusan Biologi UPH membekali mahasiswa dengan teori ilmiah yang kuat dan penerapan teknologi yang praktis di bidang ini. Biologi adalah bidang multidisipliner yang terus berkembang dan menyentuh berbagai aspek kehidupan masa kini. Lulusan kami akan siap berkontribusi serta menghasilkan berbagai ide dan produk inovatif dalam berbagai sektor, termasuk dalam sektor kesehatan, industri, dan lingkungan.

Bagi siswa-siswi kelas 12, Tahun Akademik (TA) 2023/2024 sudah dibuka! mari bergabung dan raihlah prestasi terbaikmu di UPH. Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi Student Consultant 0811-1709-901 atau daftar di sini.

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Biology is a science that is very applicable in the present and in the future, especially in the branch of biotechnology. Biotechnology is technology that utilizes genetic material, microorganisms, plants or animals, to produce useful products and/or processes. An example is the production of recombinant insulin using microorganisms for diabetics, transgenic plants developed to be resistant to pests, diseases and extreme weather, even detection methods, developing vaccines and treatments for certain diseases, such as SARS-CoV-2.

faculty information

Why Biotechnology?.

Because of its important role, the development of science, technology, and business related to Biotechnology is very promising and has contributed to human welfare, especially in the health and industrial fields. This great opportunity is still very possible to be utilized in Indonesia because the skilled workforce available in the field of Biotechnology is still relatively small. To be able to have a greater impact on many people and seize opportunities in a global competition in the present and in the future, skilled workers and Biotechnology experts are needed.

What Will I Study.

You will learn soft skills that support you in solving problems in the field of biotechnology, such as how to learn independently, think critically and solve problems. Through these abilities, you will integrate theory and practice in various fields of biotechnology, from basic to advanced.

In the early days of lectures, you will learn the basics of Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Furthermore, these basics will be applied in various fields of Biotechnology according to the choice to support the final project.

Finally, you will learn supporting competencies through independent projects, practical work or independent campus programs and complete your final project.

Biotechnology Research Focus.

With basic biology and advanced biology laboratories, research at UPH Biology focuses on the medical and industrial fields. Several studies in the medical field, among others, regarding fibrinolytic agents obtained from microorganisms or plants, the characterization of lactic acid bacteria or other probiotic bacteria, and antimicrobial compounds. Other research related to industrial/environmental fields such as the decolorization of textile dye compounds using microorganisms.

It All Begins Here.

  • Bioteknologi itu ilmu baru yang menarik dan terus berkembang, sehingga peluang kariernya pun terbuka lebar.

    Diana Priyatno

    Biology - Research Assistant pada Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology ( MRIN)

  • Bioteknologi UPH mengutamakan transferable skill, dimana proses belajar dengan tutorial melatih mahasiswa untuk studi mandiri.

    Danny Laurent

    Biology 2013 - Penerima Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (BPI) Master of Science in Biotechnology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Mahasiswa Program Doktor, Bidang Deteksi Kanker, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.


The curriculum is designed to train students to have the ability to learn independently, think critically, and have soft skills and be able to solve problems in the field of Biotechnology. The curriculum emphasizes the integration between theory and practice.

In years I and II, students will learn the basics of Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. In the third year, students will study biotechnology applications based on their choice to support their final project. Whereas in year IV, students will study supporting sciences either through independent projects, practical work or independent campus programs and complete their final assignments.

Study Plan.

Wawasan Dunia
Courses Credits
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama Dunia
Logika Terapan / Critical Thinking
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran
Pengenalan Diri
Courses Credits
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Pengantar Ilmu Alam
Bahasa Indonesia / BIPA
General English
Kecakapan Akademik
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran
1st Semester
Courses Credits
Biologi Umum 4
Pengantar Bioteknologi 4
Kalkulus 3
Kimia Dasar & Organik 4
Logika Terapan 2
TOEFL IBT Preparation 2
Kecakapan Akademik 0
2nd Semester
Courses Credits
Biologi Sel 4
Genetika 3
Biostatistika 3
Biokimia 4
Bahasa Indonesia 2
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran 0
3rd Semester
Courses Credits
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran 4
Bahasa Inggris 2
Pancasila 2
4th Semester
Courses Credits
Biologi Molekuler 4
Mikrobiologi Dasar 3
Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia 4
Pangan Fungsional dan Nutraceutical 3
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan 4
Kepemimpinan 2
5th Semester
Courses Credits
Teknologi Rekombinan DNA I 3
Mikrobiologi Lanjutan 4
Biodiversitas 2
Bioinformatika 2
Imunologi 4
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika 4
6th Semester
Courses Credits
Teknologi Rekombinan DNA II 3
Bioinstrumentasi 2
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran 4
7th Semester
Courses Credits
Kultur Jaringan Hewan 2
Kultur Jaringan Tanaman 2
Metodologi Penelitian 2
Teknologi Bioproses dan Fermentasi 3
Teknik Enzimologi 4
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 5
8th Semester
Courses Credits
Biosains Terapan 3
Genetika Molekuler 3
Seminar 1
Bioteknologi Farmasi 3
Nutrigenomik 3
Bioteknologi Lingkungan 3
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 3
9th Semester
Courses Credits
Kerja Praktek 3
10th Semester
Courses Credits
Tugas Akhir 6
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 6
Seminar Riset 1
Mata Kuliah Pilihan
Courses Credits
Bioteknologi Kedokteran 2
Bioteknologi Kelautan 2
Kapita Selekta 2
Komunikasi Profesional 2
Kewirausahaan 3
Bioentrepreneurship 3
Diagnostik Molekuler 2
Produk Berbasis Bahan Alam 2
Mikrobiologi Kesehatan 2
Study Fee
Total Study Fee Rp236.750.000

*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum

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Our Facilities.


Ariela Samantha,

Department Chair
Ariela Samantha, Ph.D. is the Head of the Biology Study Program. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Pelita Harapan University, Master of Philosophy in Biochemistry from The University of Western Australia, and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from The University of Western Australia.

Journal Publication:
  • Lipid A phosphoethanolamine transferase: regulation, structure and immune response
    Journal of Molecular Biology, 2020
  • Structures of an engineered phospholipase D with specificity for secondary alcohol transphosphatidylation: insights into plasticity of substrate binding and activation
    Biochemical Journal, 2021
see other journal publications (click here)

Dr. Bambang Kiranadi

Dr. Bambang Kiranadi is a lecturer of Biology Study Program. He earned his Bachelor of Science from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Master of Science in Instrumentation Methods of Chemical Analysis from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, and PhD in Biological Sciences from University of East Anglia di Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom.

Publication Journals:
  • Wibudi, A., Kiranadi, B., Manalu, W., & Suyono, S. (2008). The traditional plant, Andrographis paniculata (Sambiloto), exhibits insulin-releasing actions in vitro. Acta Medica Indonesiana, 40(2), 63-68
  • Zaidy, A. B., Affandi, R., Kiranadi, B., Praptokardiyo, K., & Manalu, W. (2008). Pendayagunaan kalsium media perairan dalam proses ganti kulit dan konsekuensinya bagi pertumbuhan udang galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man). Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Perairan dan Perikanan Indonesia, 15(2), 117-125
  • Satyaningtijas, A. S., Maheshwari, H., Achmadi, P., Pribadi, W. A., Harpari, S., Jondriatno, D., Bustaman, I., & Kiranadi, B. (2014). Kinerja reproduksi tikus bunting akibat pemberian ekstrak etanol purwocen. Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan, 8(1), 35-37. doi: 10.21157/j.ked.hewan.v8i1.1253

Hans Victor,
S. Si., M. Si.

Hans Victor, S. SI., M. SI. is a lecturer of Biotechnology Study Program. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology Program from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and Master of Science in Biotechnology from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Journal Publications:
  • Metabolite identification from biodegradation of congo red by Pichia sp.
    KnE Life Sciences, 2020
  • Removal of malachite green toxicity using water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) biomass
    IOP Conference Series, 2019
  • Optimasi proses untuk ekspresi gen endoglukanase dari Bacillus sp. RP1 oleh Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)/egc
    Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology & Bioscience, 2018
view full profile (click here)

Dr. Juandy Jo

Dr. Juandy Jo is a lecturer at Department of Biology. He earned his Degree of Medical Doctor from Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Master of Molecular Biology from University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, and Doctor rerum naturalium from Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Selected Publications:
  • Assessment on anti-SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain antibodies among CoronaVac-vaccinated Indonesian adults
    Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research, 2022
  • Identification of peptides with tolerogenic potential in a hydrolysed whey-based infant formula
    Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 2018
  • Toll-like receptor 8 agonist and bacteria trigger potent activation of innate immune cells in human liver
    PLoS Pathogens, 2014
  • Analysis of CD8+T-cell-mediated inhibition of hepatitis C virus replication using a novel immunological model
    Gastroenterology, 2009
view full profile (click here)

Marcelia Sugata,

Marcelia Sugata, M.Sc. is a Lecturer of Biology Study Program. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Institut Teknologi Bandung and Master of Science in Biotechnology from Asia University.

  • Best Paper Award Winner for “Reformulation of Mice Fodder with Encapsulated Lactobacillus fermentum E5”, International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology, Swiss-German University, Indonesia
  • 2nd Winner for Oral Presentation “Anti-inflammation and Anti-cancer Activity of Anthocyanin from Purple Sweet Potato”, Biomedical Seminar of China Medical University and Asian University, Taiwan
  • Scholarship recipient, Asia University (Taiwan)
Journal Publications:
  • Anti-Inflammatory and Anticancer Activities of Taiwanese Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) Extracts
    BioMed Research International, 2015
  • Evaluation of microencapsulated local isolates Lactobacillus easel 97/L3 and Lactobacillus delbrueckii 94/L4 for improved probiotic and yogurt starter culture application
    Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019
view full profile (click here)

Dr. Reinhard Pinontoan

Dr. Reinhard Pinontoan is lecturer of Biology. His areas of interest include environmental science, and health science. He earned his Doctoral Degree in Agricultural Science from Nagoya University, and a Post-doctoral Training on Cancer Research Nagoya University Bioscience and Biotechnology Center and Shanghai Cancer Institute.

  • Postdoctoral fellowship for foreign researcher, Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • Scholarship recipient, Yoneyama Rotary International Foundation (Japan)
  • Scholarship recipient, Asahi Glass Foundation (Japan)
Journal Publications:
  • Michelle, Siregar, R. A. N., Sanjaya, A., Lucy, J., & Pinontoan, R. (2020). Methylene blue decolorizing bacteria isolated from water sewage in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(3), 1136-1141. doi: 10.13057/biodiv/d210338
  • Lucy, J., Raharjo, P. F., Elvina, E., Florencia, L., Susanti, A. I., & Pinontoan, R. (2019). Clot lysis activity of Bacillus subtilis G8 isolated from Japanese fermented natto soybeans. Applied Food Biotechnology, 6(2), 101-109. doi: 10.22037/afb.v6i2.22479
  • Angelia, C., Sanjaya, A., Tanudjaja, E., Victor, H., Cahyani, A. D., Tan, T. J., & Pinontoan, R. (2019). Characterization of alpha-amylase from Aspergillus niger aggregate F isolated from a fermented cassava gatot grown in potato peel waste medium. Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters, 47(3), 364-371. doi: 10.4014/mbl.1811.11011
view full profile (click here)

Dr. Tan Tjie Jan

Dr. Tan Tjie Jan is a lecturer of Biotechnology Study Program. He earned his Diploma in Microbiological Genetics from Institute for Genetics, Cologne University in Cologne, Germany, and Doctoral Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Pharmaceutical Institute, Bonn University in Bonn, Germany.

Journal Publications:
  • Identification and partial purification of GTPase-activating proteins from yeast and mammalian cells that preferentially act on Ypt1/Rab1 proteins
    FEBS Letter, 1991
  • A yeast GTPase-activating protein that interacts specifically with a member of the Ypt/Rab family
    Nature, 1993
  • The YPT-branch of the ras superfamily of gtp-binding proteins in yeast: functional importance of the putative effector region
    Springer, 1991
view full profile (click here)

1st Place of National Competition of Bioinformatics - Natania Abigail Christy.

In this competition, Abigail brought 2 (two) specific topic, "Protein Study Bacillus subtilis dye decolorizing peroxidase" and "Speed and Mutation Variation of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Analysis in Asia Period August-October".

2nd Place of National Competition of Bioinformatics - Jonathan Suciono Purnomo.

In this competition, Jonathan discussed the topic "Azoreductase Protein Studies". Then in the second stage of the competition, Jonathan discussed the topic "Analysis of the ancestor (ancestor) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus".

1st Runner Up Of 2019-20 La Trobe University Technology Infusion Grand Challenge.

HIROEP team consisting of Livi Anastasia, Sannia City, Andrew Dwijanto and J. Ezekiel discussed the title "Prototyping Air Aid Smart Pollution Mask" win the 1st Runner Up for 2019-20 La Trobe University Technology Infusion Grand Challenge.

Watch the full video here.

Finalists of the National Competition (KNMIPA-PT) for Biology 2021

Caitlyn Christvania Sihombing, Jevon Aaron Lesmana & Samuel Emmanuel Soentoro
The National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia will hold the National Higher Education MIPA Competition (KNMIPA-PT) in 2021. This KNMIPA-PT activity is intended to be a vehicle for forming talented students in the field of Science and preparing graduates who are able to answer challenges of changing times through the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Student Creativity Program Incentive Grants

Jonathan Suciono Purnomo, Samuel Owen Mundana dan Wira Yudhidarma (Teknik Industri) - Gagasan Tertulis (PKM-GT)
PKM is a forum created by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to facilitate all students from universities in Indonesia in several forms of activities.

In the PKM-GT activity, students make a scientific article that discusses a solution to the problems that are being faced by the community. The group from UPH raised the title "Application of Iron Oxide Microplastic Filtration in Water Treatment Plants".

Top 15 Kompetisi Sains Indonesia (KSI)

Jevon Aaron Lesmana
Kompetisi Sains Indonesia (KSI) is a competition orgranized by Pelatihan Olimpiade Sains Indonesia (POSI) aiming to facilitate students to excel and become an evaluation tool for students to develop in-depth self-capacity and competence. Thus, this competition is organized to push students to keep studying even in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.

1st Runner Up of 2019-20 La Trobe University Technology Infusion Grand Challenge

HIROEP - Air Aid Smart Pollution Mask
2019-20 Technology Infusion Grand Challenge is a competition held by La Trobe University, Australia. This competion aims to create and develop innovative smart city prototype to solve the current city problems.

HIROEP team consists of Livi Anastasia, Sannia City, Andrew Dwijanto and J. Ezekiel discussed the title "Prototyping Air Aid Smart Pollution Mask".

Watch the full video here.

2nd Runner Up of 2019-20 La Trobe University Technology Infusion Grand Challenge

SmartStep - Harvesting Kinetic Energy and Collecting Big Data for A Smart City Commuter Line Planning in Jakarta
2019-20 Technology Infusion Grand Challenge is a competition held by La Trobe University, Australia. This competion aims to create and develop innovative smart city prototype to solve the current city problems.

Smartstep Jakarta Team consists of Suawa Natania Abigail Christy, Athiyyarizka Farbila Rachman, Jesslyn Tanoto, Winly Williamdy, and Owen, discussed the title "SmartStep - Harvesting Kinetic Energy and Collecting Big Data for a Smart City Commuter Line Planning in Jakarta".

Watch the full video here.

3rd Place Kompetisi Sobat Bumi PERTAMINA in Scientific Theory Category

Jevon Aaron Lesmana
Kompetisi Sobat Bumi is a Science Olympiad on a University level in the field of Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. This Science Theory Competition with CBT model is aimed to facilitate students all over Indonesia to freely explore logic through scientific theory solutions. With this competition, Pertamina is expected to produce a generation of innovative thinker, to becoming the pillar for the country in giving innovative solution to counter energy scarcity in Indonesia, as well as the world.

1st Place National Competition of Bioinformatics

Suawa, Natania Abigail Christy - Study of Bacillus subtilis dye decolorizing peroxidase protein and analysis of the rate and variation of SARS-CoV-2 virus mutations in Asia in the period August-October
National Competition of Bioinformatics is a competition with the goal to encourage future scientist-to-be to participate and contribute to various problems faced in the country through the application of Bioinformatics study.

The competition itself includes 2 stages, with the first stage being a challenge to explain the nature and function of a protein selected based on its molecule structure. The second stage with the theme "Analysis on genetic relations of SARS-CoV-2. In the second stage, Abigail brought 2 (two) specific topic, "Protein Study Bacillus subtilis dye decolorizing peroxidase" and "Speed and Mutation Variation of SARS-CoV-2 Virus Analysis in Asia Period August-October".

Watch the full video here.

2nd Place National Competition of Bioinformatics

Jonathan Suciono Purnomo - Azoreductase Protein Study and Ancestor Analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
National Competition of Bioinformatics is a competition with the goal to encourage future scientist-to-be to participate and contribute to various problems faced in the country through the application of Bioinformatics study.

In the first stage of the competition with the theme of analyzing the properties and functions of proteins based on their 3D molecular structures, Jonathan discussed the topic "Azoreductase Protein Studies". Then in the second stage of the competition, Jonathan discussed the topic "Analysis of the ancestor (ancestor) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus".

Watch the full video here.

Student Creativity Program Incentive Grants - Constructive Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFK), PIMNAS Participants

Jeremya P. Immanuel, Nathania Calista & Kim Young-chae
PKM is a forum created by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to facilitate all students from universities in Indonesia in several forms of activities.

In the PKM-GFK activity, students made a video that offered a solution from one of the Sustainable Development Goals proclaimed by the United Nations.

The group from UPH raised the title of "Sea urchins as an Alternative to Cancer Chemotherapy".


For five consecutive years UPH managed to appear in the ranks of the winners of the National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at college level (ON MIPA PT). This year, Rosaria (class of 2011) won the gold medal in the field of Biology, and the honorable mention award for Biology is received by Joan Christie Wijaya (class of 2012).

UPH was included in the top 8 universities that won medals in the 2015 ON MIPA PT competition. Only two Private Universities (PTS) won the medals this time, namely, UPH and Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA). While the other winners came from State Universities (PTN) including ITB, UI, UGM, IPB, and ITS.


National Olympic of Science & Math was held in Bandung at April 28 – May 1, 2011. Three students from Biology Study Program won various prizes on the competition.

Related Events.

Related News.

Biotechnology Student Council.

Biotechnology Student Council serves as an organization that facilitates the needs of Biotechnology students of both academic and non-academic matters while inspires the value of community as one family.


To help Biotechnology’s students to be the people who value community as family, and who are proactive & able to grow in knowledge inside and outside of class.


  • To provide opportunity for students to gain knowledge and experience outside the classroom.
  • To become a place for socializing as community.
  • To provide opportunity for students to be proactive inside and/or outside of Biotechnology major.


  • Welcoming The New Family;
  • Biotechnology Gathering;
  • Biotechnology’s Got Talent;
  • Company & Institution Visit;
  • Comparative Study;
  • Orphanage Visit;
  • Tutoring and Sport Clubs;
  • Workshop;

Organization Structure.