

Established in 2005, Our prestigious study program provides a curriculum that is thoughtfully designed and continuously updated to equip students for professional careers in various fields related to finance, banking, insurance, and technology. Our research covers areas such as finance mathematics, actuarial science, applied mathematics, and mathematical and statistical education. We offer specializations that are needed in the professional world today:

Actuarial Mathematics
Business Mathematics
Computational Mathematics

Our department is working with the leading organisations in the industry like the Society of Actuaries (SOA), Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFOA) and Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia (PAI). Such cooperation has provided many practical opportunities for UPH students and helped us learn more about the cutting-edge actuarial applications in the field.

faculty information

Graduate Profile.

A graduate who is:

  • Able to give guidance to learners to achieve their goals.
  • Able to apply his/her skill to solve a problem with a structured method (analysis, hypothesis, data collection, data interpretation, conclusion, validation and reproducibility).
  • Skilled in using mathematics, statistics and finance theory to provide analysis of financial consequences of risk critical factor that determines the business decisions of a wide variety of sectors.
  • Able to provide skilled analysis and advice toward improvement and decision-making.
  • Skilled in analyzing problems and giving solutions by programming the right codes into the computer system.
  • Skilled in inspecting, transforming and creating data models to search for information and assist in reaching a conclusion and decision-making.
  • Passionate to actualize an idea and take the risk to start a business.

What Will I Study.

You will learn things related to applied mathematics, such as:

  • Developing analytical skills by thinking creatively, logically and critically
  • Analyzing and solving problems in everyday life
  • Three relevant areas concentrations: Actuarial Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Business Mathematics

*For course details, you can see on curriculum

What Will I Become.

Our prestigious program has been bringing forth young professionals who work as:

  • Actuaries
  • Data Scientists
  • Quantitative Analysts (Quants)
  • Business Consultants
  • Risk Managers

It All Begins Here.

  • Untuk menjadi orang yang berhasil perlu tekad, usaha, dan tanggungjawab.

    Giovani Gracianti

    Mathematics 2008 -

  • Di UPH saya mendapatkan Christian Worldview yang saya terapkan dalam kehidupan, termasuk di kantor.

    Daniel Winoto

    Mathematics 2013 - Actuarial Services Associate of PwC

  • Kemampuan seperti logika berpikir, leadership, kewarganegaraan, English skill, serta communication skill tetap diperlukan dalam menunjang pekerjaan di bidang aktuaria. Semua hal ini telah saya dapat dari saat berkuliah di Matematika UPH.

    Rheza Dwiputra Tamin

    Mathematics 2012 - Actuarial Services Senior Associate - PwC Singapore

Study Plan.

1st Semester
Courses Credits
Kalkulus 1 3
Logika Matematika 3
Algoritma dan Pemrograman 2
Statistika Elementer 3
Aljabar Linier Elementer 3
Soft Skills 2
Leadership & Entrepreneurship 2
2nd Semester
Courses Credits
Bahasa Indonesia 2
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2
Kalkulus 2 3
Perangkat Lunak untuk Sains 2
Pemrograman Linier 3
Ekonomi Mikro 3
Matematika Keuangan 4
Accelerated Semester 1
Courses Credits
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama-Agama Dunia 4
Pancasila 2
3th Semester
Courses Credits
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan 4
Kalkulus Lanjut 4
Teori Peluang 3
Persamaan Diferensial Biasa 3
Metode Numerik 3
Ekonomi Makro (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Ekonomi Makro (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Struktur Data (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 3
4th Semester
Courses Credits
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika 4
Statistika Matematika 3
Metode Diskrit 3
Metode Matematika 3
Riset Operasional 3
Matematika Keuangan (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 4
Matematika Keuangan (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 4
Sistem Basis Data (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 4
Accelerated Semester 2
Courses Credits
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran 4
Matematika Keuangan Lanjutan (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Matematika Keuangan Lanjutan (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Pemrograman Java (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 3
5th Semester
Courses Credits
Analisis Fungsi Kompleks 3
Matematika Asuransi Jiwa 1 (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 4
Teori Risiko (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 4
Aljabar Lanjut (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Pilihan Pendukung* (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Estimasi Parametrik dan Non Parametrik (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Ekonomi Lanjutan (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Investasi dan Analisis Portofolio (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 4
Pilihan Pendukung* (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 4
Pilihan Pendukung (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek 3
Aljabar Lanjut (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 3
Pilihan Pendukung* (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 4
Pilihan Pendukung (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 3
6th Semester
Courses Credits
Analisis Real 3
Pemodelan Matematika 3
Matematika Asuransi Jiwa 2 (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 4
Teori Risiko 2 (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Pilihan Pendukung* (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Analisis Deret Waktu (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Analisis Regresi (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Pilihan Pendukung* (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 4
Pilihan Pendukung (Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis) 3
Persamaan Diferensial Parsial Numerik (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 3
Pilihan Pendukung* (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 4
Pilihan Pendukung (Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi) 3
Accelerated Semester 3
Courses Credits
Kapita Selekta 2
Tugas Akhir 1 4
7th Semester
Courses Credits
Tugas Akhir 2 4
Matematika Asuransi Jiwa 3 (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Teori Risiko 3 (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria) 3
Pilihan Pendukung* (Konsentrasi Matematika Aktuaria, Matematika Komputasi) 3
Konsentrasi Matematika Bisnis
Courses Credits
Fisika Dasar 3
Matematika Asuransi Jiwa 1 4
Teori Risiko 4
Persamaan Diferensial Parsial 3
Aljabar Lanjut 3
Manajemen Operasi 3
Pemrograman Nonlinier 3
Manajemen Keuangan Dasar 3
Sistem Informasi Manajemen 3
Derivatif dan Manajemen Risiko 3
Lembaga Keuangan dan Pasar 3
Teori Graf 3
Topik dalam Matematika Keuangan 4
Proses Stokastik 3
Konsentrasi Matematika Komputasi
Courses Credits
Fisika Dasar 3
Sinyal dan Sistem 3
Persamaan Diferensial Parsial 3
Analisis Regresi 3
Analisis Deret Waktu 3
Matematika Asuransi Jiwa 1 4
Teori Risiko 4
Matematika Keuangan Lanjutan 3
Teori Bahasa dan Teknik Kompilasi 4
Kecerdasan Komputasional 4
Keamanan Komputasi 4
Teori Permainan dan Probabilitas 3
Matematika & Fisika untuk Games 3
Proses Stokastik 3
Teori Ukuran dan Integral 3
Analisis Fungsional 3
Topologi 3
Geometri 3
Pengantar Geometri Diferensial 3
Analisis Real 2 3
Analisis Fungsi Kompleks 2 3
Pemrograman Nonlinier 3
Aljabar Linier Numerik 3
Sistem Dinamik 3
Struktur Aljabar 3
Topik dalam Aljabar 3
Teori Graf 3
Topik dalam Matematika Keuangan 4
Study Fee
Total Study Fee Rp236.090.000

*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum

download study fee

Our Facilities.


Kie Van Ivanky Saputra,
S.Si., Ph.D.

Department Chair of Mathematics
Kie Van Ivanky Saputra is the Department Chair of Mathematics. He teaches Numerical Method; Risk Theory; Real Analysis courses. His research interests include dynamical systems, actuarial mathematics, and statistical education. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics from La Trobe University. He is a candidate of Society of Actuary (Exam P), a global professional organization for actuaries.

  • Principal Investigators of “Implementation of a randomization-based curriculum for introductory statistics at Universitas Pelita Harapan and across Indonesia” funded by National Academy of Science and the United States Agency of International Development (USAID).
    Sponsor Grant Award Number: AID-OAA-A-11-00012.
    International collaborator: Nathan Tintle (Dordt College, US)
  • Selected Participant of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, September 18-23 2016, Heidelberg
  • Fulbright Senior Research Award 2014/2015 at OHIO University, Athens, Ohio – USA from September – December 2014.
Journal Publications:
  • Idiosyncratic tail risk and stock return in Indonesia
    Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan 24, no. 2 (2020): 241-251.
  • Analysis of Risk Measures of Reinsurance Designs under Exponential Loss Distribution using Value at Risk and Ruin Probability
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019 (Vol. 2192, No. 1, p. 030005). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Generating a chain of maps which preserve the same integral as a given map
    Physica Scripta 94 12507 (2019).
see other publications here (click here)

Dion Krisnadi

Dion Krisnadi is a lecturer of Mathematics Study Program. He teaches Life Insurance Mathematics 3 and Risk Theory 1 courses. His research interests include predictive analytics, actuarial mathematics, and computational mathematics. He earned bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and in Information Engineering from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and master's degrees in Actuarial Science from the University of Waterloo and in Information Technology from Universitas Indonesia. He is also a candidate of Society of Actuary (Exam P, FM, IFM, STAM, LTAM, SRM, VEEACCTFIN, VEEECON, VEEMATHSTATS) and Associate of Actuary of Indonesia (waiting for approval).

  • READI Scholarship 2018-2019 for Master of Actuarial Science at University of Waterloo
see journal publication click here)

Ferry V Ferdinand

Ferry V. Ferdinand is a lecturer of Mathematics Study Program. He teaches Algorithms and Programming; Micro Economics; Macro economics; Software for Science; Financial Mathematics courses. His research interests include mathematical modeling, econometrics, and predictive analytics. He earned bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and in Informatics from Universitas Pelita Harapan, and master's degrees in Education and in Management from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

  • Best Paper for 14th Internartional on Innovative Computing, Information and control (ICICIC2019) for article "Early Warning System of Flood Prediction with Fuzzy Logic"
Journal Publications:
  • A Study on Network Design for Shortest Path in Expedition Company
  • Vaccine prediction system using ARIMA method
  • Interactive dashboard of flood patterns using clustering algorithms
see other publications here (click here)

Giovani Gracianti

Giovani Gracianti is a lecturer of Mathematics Study Program. She teaches Life Insurance Mathematics; Survival Model; Copula courses. She earned bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and in Informatics Engineering from Universitas Pelita Harapan, a master's degree in Actuarial Science from the University of Waterloo, and a PhD in Actuarial Science from Melbourne University, Australia.

Helena Margaretha

Helena Margaretha is a lecturer of Mathematics Study Program. She teaches Advanced Calculus; Advanced Financial Mathematics; Mathematical Modeling (Derivative Markets); Life Insurance Mathematics 1 & 2 & 3; Partial Differential Equations; Numeric Partial Differential Equations courses. Her research interests include statistics and actuarial mathematics. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Master of Science in Engineering Mathematics from University of Twente, Netherlands, and Doctor in Applied Mathematics from University of Twente, Netherlands.

  • The Best Graduate 1997 of the Mathematics Department, ITB
Journal Publications:
  • Backpropagation and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for training finite element neural network
  • Mathematical modelling of wave-current interaction in a hydrodynamic laboratory basin
  • An actuarial model of stroke long term care insurance with obesity as a risk factor
see other publications here (click here)

Josephine Linoto

Josephine Linoto is a lecturer of Mathematics. She teaches Life Insurance Mathematics, Risk Theory, and Financial Mathematics course. Her areas of interest are in Actuarial Mathematics & Financial Mathematics. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from Universitas Pelita Harapan and Master's Degree in Mathematics from University of Waterloo. Apart from teaching at universities, she is also a Society of Actuary Candidate (Exam P, FM, STAM, LTAM, VEEACCTFIN, VEEECON, VEEMATHSTATS).

Lina Cahyadi

Lina Cahyadi is a lecturer of Mathematics Study Program. She teaches Calculus 1 & 2; Elementary Statistics; Ordinary Differential Equations courses. Her research interests include statistics and ordinary differential equations. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Physics from Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung and Master of Science in Physics from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

  • Received a travel grant award from International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) to attend a seminar with the title "PHYSWARE: A Collaborative Workshop on Low-cost Equipment and Appropriate Technologies that Promote Undergraduate Level, Hands-on Physics Education throughout the Developing World", Trieste, ITALY, February 2009
  • Associate Junior, Associates programme enables individual scientists to maintain long term formal contacts with the stimulating and active scientific environment of the Centre, International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy (2009 - 2016)
  • Received a travel grant award from International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) to attend a seminar with the title "Career Development Workshop for Women in Physics", Trieste, ITALY, October 2019
Journal Publications:
  • Assessment of statistical education in Indonesia: Preliminary results and initiation to simulation based inference
  • Determination of Environmental Condition in Universitas Pelita Harapan Based on Radon Concentration Analysis
  • Effect of Mn and Ti substitution on the reflection loss characteristic of Ba0.6Sr0.4Fe11-zMnTizO19 (z = 0, 1, 2 and 3)
see other publications here (click here)

Petrus Widjaja

Petrus Widjaja is a lecturer of Mathematics Study Program. He teaches Calculus 1 & 2; Elementary Linear Algebra; Linear Programming; Operational Research courses. His research interests include calculus, linear algebra, and operations research. He earned his Dipl.-Math. from Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen.

Samuel Lukas

Samuel Lukas is a lecturer of Mathematics Study Program. He teaches Discrete Mathematics; Computational Intelligence; Algorithm Analysis; Statistics courses. His research interests include computational intelligence, educational technology, chriptography, and game design. He earned a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Universitas Trisakti, a master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Tasmania, and Doctor of Science Education from Curtin University, Australia.

Journal Publications:
  • Android based automated scoring of multiple-choice test International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (2017)
  • Implementation discrete cosine transform and radial basis function neural network in facial image recognition Communications in Computer and Information Science (2015)
  • Backpropagation and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for training finite element neural network Proceedings - UKSim-AMSS 6th European Modelling Symposium (2012)
see other publications here (click here)


The UPH Mathematics Study Program repeated its achievements in the 24th Bulgarian International Mathematics Competition (IMC), after, in 2012, winning an achievement at the event. This time, Yohanes Tjandrawidjaja, UPH Mathematics Student (class of 2016), won the first place receiving gold medal.


The UPH Mathematics Study Program repeated its achievements in the 24th Bulgarian International Mathematics Competition (IMC), after, in 2012, winning an achievement at the event. This time, Yohanes Tjandrawidjaja, UPH Mathematics Student (class of 2016), won the first place receiving gold medal.

IMC was attended by 33 participants from around 130 universities (universities) from major countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, England, France, the United States, Russia, China, Singapore, and others. A total of 9 students from 7 universities were Indonesian delegates to attend the 24th IMC event which took place July 31 – August 6, 2017, in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.


For five consecutive years UPH managed to appear in the ranks of the winners of the National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the College level (ON MIPA PT). In 2015, the bronze medal for Mathematics is won by Evan Kurnia Alim (class of 2013).

UPH was included in the top 8 universities that won medals in the 2015 ON MIPA PT competition. Only two Private Universities (PTS) won the medals this time, namely, UPH and Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA). While the other winners came from State Universities (PTN) including ITB, UI, UGM, IPB, and ITS.


On May 21-25, 2014, UPH had the opportunity to take part in the National Olympiad of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the College level (ON MIPA PT). Abe Gracia (class of 2011) won 1st place in Mathematics at ONMIPA PT 2014. Abe successfully competed with other participants who were students from well-known public universities such as UI, ITB, UGM, and IPB, and completed questions that had a higher level of difficulty than ON MIPA PT the previous year.

According to the Director of Learning and Student Affairs of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Illah Sailah, as reported on the website of, the achievement of the value of ON MIPA-PT participants at this time is better than last year. He hopes to be able to facilitate the winners to continue their studies to the Masters level. Among the twenty-five participants who won the Mathematics award, seven were selected to take part in the International Mathematical Competition XXI held on July 28 to August 5, 2014 in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Mathematics Student Council.

Mathematics Student Council is formed to to accomodate and facilitate Mathematics students and to create an environment that supports growth.

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