Industrial Engineering.
Industrial Engineering is an integration of Engineering and Business Sciences with the scientific aim of finding out how to make things better. It does not only focus on the manufacturing business, but also in other business fields. Thus, Industrial Engineering not only equips students with applicable and practical theories but also forms creativity and critical thinking skills to analyze and produce complex work systems consisting of people, machines, materials, money, information, and energy that run efficiently and effectively. The specialties offered in the UPH Industrial Engineering Program are:
? Industrial Management which focuses on optimizing integrated systems by managing all resources. Example: arranging work processes in a restaurant so that customers receive orders as quickly as possible.
? Industrial Automation which focuses on optimizing integrated systems through automation processes. Example: programming a screw fixing machine or replacing human labor with robots.
Graduate Profile.
A graduate who is:
- Skilled in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of existing systems, and in developing performance improvements and quality using industrial engineering principles.
- Skilled in solving performance and quality issues as a member of a lower-level management team.
- Contributing to the academic advancement of the field.
What Will I Study.
You will learn things related to industrial engineering, such as:
- Fundamental and up-to-date knowledge in optimizing industrial process by automation
- The ability to manage all industrial processes, especially high technology systems
*For course details, you can see on curriculum
What Will I Become.
Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Industrial Engineering graduates:
- Product Development
- Human Resource Management
- Data Analyst
- Quality Assurance & Control
- Supply Chain & Operation Control
- Production Planning & Control
- Market Researcher
- Distribution Planning & Management
- Management Consultant
- Information System Consultant
- Sustainability Consultant
- Entrepreneurship
It All Begins Here.
Teknik Industri UPH membentuk saya menjadi tangguh, karena untuk berhasil lulus kuliah harus berjuang sekuat tenaga. Ini juga yang diperlukan saya untuk jadi pemimpin perusahaan.
Maulida Purnama Siwi
Teknik industri saya lihat cukup menarik, karena mempelajari hal lain di luar dunia teknik itu sendiri. Ini menjadi jalan mencari tahu passion saya.
Yudhi Ronald
UPH memiliki lingkungan sosial yang bagus. Ini salah satu point plus yang saya rasakan saat kuliah dan sangat berpengaruh pada pembentukan karakter.
Ernest Tjahjana
Visi misi UPH mengandung nilai integritas yang penting dan berguna bagi personal character building maupun untuk bekerja.
Roberto Saputra
Study Plan
Study Plan.
1st Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Pancasila | 2 |
Leadership | 2 |
Calculus 1 | 3 |
Matrices and Vector Space | 2 |
Mechanics and Thermodynamics | 2 |
Material Science | 2 |
Engineering Drawing | 2 |
Engineering Drawing Lab | 1 |
Introduction to Economics | 2 |
Introduction to Industrial Engineering | 2 |
2nd Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Indonesian Language | 2 |
Tech Skill | 2 |
Calculus 2 | 3 |
Sound, Optics, Electricity & Magnetism | 2 |
Physics Lab | 1 |
Descriptive Statistics & Probability | 2 |
Manufacturing Process | 2 |
Manufacturing Process Lab | 1 |
Computer Programming | 2 |
Computer Programming Lab | 1 |
Engineering Mechanics | 2 |
Short Semester 1 | |
Courses | Credits |
Christian Religion / World Religions | 4 |
Inference Statistics | 3 |
Mathematical Optimization | 2 |
3th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Christian Worldview1 / History of Thought | 4 |
Environment Technology | 2 |
Optimization | 3 |
Cost Analysis | 2 |
Work Analysis & Design | 2 |
Ergonomics | 2 |
Production Planning and Inventory Control | 3 |
Engineering Economy | 2 |
4th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Christian Worldview 2 / Philosophy of Science | 4 |
Stochastic | 3 |
Industrial Corporate Management | 2 |
Production System | 2 |
Quality Control & Assurance | 3 |
Integrated Lab | 2 |
Entrepreneurship & Business Development | 3 |
Short Semester 2 | |
Courses | Credits |
Christian Worldview 3 / Ethics | 4 |
System Modelling | 2 |
Industrial Control Systems | 2 |
5th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Civics | 2 |
Simulation | 3 |
Analysis & Design of Information System | 2 |
Analysis & Design of Information System Lab | 1 |
Product Planning and Design | 2 |
Design of Industrial Facilities | 2 |
Design of Industrial Facilities Lab | 1 |
ERP Master Data/ Mechatronics | 2 |
Lean & Green Manufacturing / Robotics System | 2 |
Decision Making System/CAD/CAM | 2 |
6th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Research Methodology | 2 |
Industrial Psychology | 2 |
Soft Skill | 2 |
Marketing Management | 2 |
Project Management | 2 |
Occupational Health & Safety | 2 |
Supply Chain Management | 2 |
ERP Inventory Management / Factory Automation | 2 |
Elective Course | 2 |
Elective Course | 2 |
Short Semester 3 | |
Courses | Credits |
Internship | 2 |
7th Semester | |
Courses | Credits |
Final Project | 6 |
Design of Industrial Engineering | 2 |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan | |
Courses | Credits |
Life Cycle Engineering | 2 |
Corporate Strategy | 2 |
Total Quality Management | 2 |
Data Science | 2 |
Wawasan Dunia | |
Courses | Credits |
Soft Skill | 2 |
Leadership & Entrepreneurship | 2 |
Indonesian Language | 2 |
Civics | 2 |
Christian Religion / World Religions | 4 |
Christian Worldview1 / Philosophy of Science | 4 |
Christian Worldview 2 / Ethics | 4 |
Christian Worldview 3 / History of Thought | 4 |
Tech Skill | 2 |
Pancasila | 2 |
Study Fee | |
Total Study Fee | Rp212.325.000 |
*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum |
Our Facilities.
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